Chapter 6.1 – What A Skeeze

Hey guys, welcome back to the Holly ISBI.

This chapter, the first chapter of Gen6 has been a long time in coming since I played it ages ago, but every time I go to write it I keep getting distracted. Oh well, at least it’s getting done now.

Also, if this chapter is even crappier than usual it’s because I’m sick right now but I also signed up for SimNaWriMo with this legacy so have to get as many chapters out in this month as possible.

With the intro out of the way let’s start this chapter with one final look at the Gen 6 spares before I move them out. I wanted to keep them around for a little longer, especially as Persi is so close to maxing the painting skill but Marissa is about to drop her latest pregnancy so I can’t. Hopefully SP treats them well. I am, however, keeping Sabine around for a while longer.

All the Gen 6 kids (including Sabine and Shiloh) have been added to the downloads page just FYI.

Shiloh: Why are you following me *angst*

Congrats Shiloh, you’re the newest Holly heir!

Shiloh: Fan-frickin-tastic *eyeroll*

Sorry but Shiloh just reminds me of Gladion from Pokémon Sun and Moon for some reason.

Shiloh: You’re sad. Why?

Zen: My eldest child has just moved out, why do you think I’m sad?

Shiloh: Oh, thanks for interacting with me anyway

*facepalm* Can you really be so unfeeling?

Shiloh: Actually, I really need to keep talking to you; you’ll give me the stars I need for my LTW.

Zen: Thank you for spending time with me, son.

Shiloh: Shh, just give me those celeb stars.

Sabine: Wow, remind me how I’m related to those idiots again.

All of Shiloh’s badgering finally pays off and he gets his 3rd celeb star.

For some reason he was already at level 2 from childhood so not as big of an accomplishment as he would have hoped. At least it’s some progress.

Marissa: It’s been a month since you last saw me, that means you don’t hate me anymore, right?

Nope, you have never been so wrong about anything in your life. Also, stop breaking the fourth wall!

For once one of the aliens is restoring their brain power inside instead of out on the sun lounger at the pool.

I’ve also figured out how to edit my plumbob’s colour so that’s there too.

Shiloh: I see the stars…and they look glorious

Sabine: Go see those stars somewhere else bro, I’m trying to concentrate here.

Shiloh: What’s the point in being heir if I get kicked out of my own house by my twin sister *sigh*

Doing as his sister bid him Shiloh heads out to meet some of the new celebrity Sims I threw into the town since the town was sorely lacking in that department.

The first celeb he meets is Darrell Bradley and his son Matt.

Darrell: I’ve just met you but man, I’ve got to say, your aunt is one smoking hot mama

Matt: Ew dad, I’m telling mum!

Shiloh: I’m willing to look past the comment about my aunt if you’ll do me a solid and sign this autograph.

Darrell: Eh, I don’t see why not

Shiloh: Sweet…Uh, I mean, whatever.

Shiloh: Listen, I’ve got a life or death question to ask you.

Darrell: Go for it

Shiloh: What’s your star sign?


Shiloh: So that’s his mother?

Shh, no spoilers

Shiloh: But that means he’s not a Stark

I said no spoilers, damn it!

What the heck are you doing?!

Shiloh: Getting to know this celebrity

Darrell: Why are you touching my hand? I’m married!

Zen is still slowly climbing the career ladder.

Linden has finally gotten herself into a relationship with one of the celebs I threw into town.

Now that I no longer have control of her Niska is back to her favourite pastime; working out.

Niska: I need to keep these muscles well used if I want to reach my LTW.

Shiloh: Hey baby, do you wanna see my Ultra Beast?

Omg Shiloh, stop! Stop flirting with Sims that are not your intended spouse.

Damn it, I said stop, not kiss him!

Shiloh: This’ll make a nice picture for whatever gossip magazine will pay the most

You are disgusting.

Shiloh: That’s how you get famous, baby.

Darrell: Just a little lower, my back is so sore.

Shiloh: That’s because you are so old. Maybe you can die and leave all your celebrity wealth to me.

Darrell: What was that?

Shiloh: I said, that’s because you work so hard. You need to relax more.

I…I don’t even know anymore.

Way to keep it classy Shiloh.

Zen: *Plays louder to drown out the sound of her only sons first woohoo*

Shiloh: I can’t believe I just ploughed that.

JFC Shiloh, your mum is right there!

Zen: I feel so uncomfortable right now.

Shiloh: Thanks for the super woohoo but I’ve got other celebs to track down and seduce so you better go.

Darrell: No problem, call me anytime you want to ‘hang out’ again.

Shiloh: Yeah, don’t think that will be happening but thanks for the offer.

Shiloh’s antics are interrupted when Marissa goes into labour.

Marissa: This hurts so much more than I remember

Good, I hope you suffer.

She gives birth to a mixed gender twin set named Tyrion and Tyene +10

If anyone knows where those names are from I will love you forever.

Of course as soon as she has finished birthing the twins she goes and ruins it by peeing herself -5

So far, from what little I can tell as infants, the twins have Marissa’s hair and skin. They are also both aliens.

After the twins are born it’s back to work for Shiloh.

His latest celebrity victim is Mara Tynan.

He gets in a couple of flirts with Mara before she has to run off to work.

Not to be put off Shiloh then starts up a conversation with Mara’s roommate, Gary Shute.

Gary is still with Linen so I make sure that Shiloh behaves himself.

Shiloh: I always behave myself

Yeah, whatever you say *eyeroll*

Shiloh: What’s happening here?

Gary: My mermaid roommate just died because I was too busy with you to come up and help her

Shiloh: Cool story, bro.

Shiloh: Damn, she was a celebrity too. That was a serious missed opportunity.

Can you not think of anything else for one minute?

Shiloh: Nope, my eyes are on the gold.

Shiloh: Don’t worry, there will be plenty of other celebrities around to fill in the void she has created.

Gary: You’re kind of a douche, do you know that?

Oh look, who also happens to stay in this little house; Elsa from Frozen.

Shiloh, go introduce yourself…and be nice about it.

I said be nice to her, not start flirting.

Shiloh: I can’t help it; it’s a disease.

No it’s not, you’re just unstoppable.

After interacting with Elsa  Shiloh hits Lv4 celeb points. He now has 1 level to complete his LTW.

This LTW is actually pretty easy, although it would probably be a lot harder if Shiloh wasn’t such a skeeze.

I was so busy with Shiloh that I missed Niska passing out -5

Elsa: How dare you try to kiss me, I am the queen!

Shiloh: I am so sorry, your highness, I should’ve realized someone as magnificent as you was royalty.

Elsa: What a charmer you are, Mr Holly.  I will gladly accept your affections now.

Shiloh: Score!

What is with him that everyone he even looks at starts to fall for him?

They do look pretty cute together…No, his spouse is already picked out. I am not changing that now!

Another picture for the tabloids?

Shiloh: You got that right. I am going to be one rich man by the end of this.

One rich asshole.

Out of all the Gen 6 spares Roux is the first to get himself into a relationship.

Shiloh: I’m done with this one now, you need to direct me to my next conquest now.

You are gross Shiloh and I am ashamed of you.

Shiloh: You know you love me.

Damn it, you’re right.

Instead of sending him out again I send him home ’cause it’s the twins birthday.

Sabine apparently cares about the birthday as much as Shiloh does because she sculpts all the way through.

Even I’ve got to admit that the twins are pretty cute but I still wish they weren’t around since the house is so crowded.

Anyway, that’s it for this chapter. I should have another posted pretty soon since I’m gonna try my hardest to get gold in SimNaWriMo.

Townie Updates:

The second generation townies are starting to get together now.

And one of the simselves has found love with Linden’s (I think) ex.


Self wetting (15) -75
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (1) -5
Passing Out (37) -185
Accidental Deaths (1) -10
Social Worker Visit

Every Birth (18) +90
Every Twin Birth (5) +50
Every Triplet Birth
Fulfilling LTW (8) +320
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (13) +65
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (3) +30
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (4) +40
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (15) +75

Every sim to max their career (5) +50

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (0)

Total points: 545 (No change this time)

5 thoughts on “Chapter 6.1 – What A Skeeze

  1. Aw, our little GOT twinsies are so cute! Even if they’re destined to be spares from the moment they’re born. If the house is so crowded, maybe you could move out Marissa and co, since Niska’s son is the new TH? That would leave more room for Shiloh’s babies!

    …hopefully Shiloh’s babies with his wife, not his celeb conquests. Though I do agree that is a very easy way to gain stars, seducing everyone. I should really try that LTW sometime.


    • Yeah, the GOT twins are so cute. Too bad they were born so late.
      Maybe it’s weird but the only reason I haven’t moved Marissa out is because, even though Niska’s son has taken over, Marissa was still heir and I like to keep my past heirs around, even if they are a massive pain.
      Yeah, the guide I read online suggested that method so I just ran with it since I’d never used that LTW before.


    • The twins are so cute, I actually forgot how adorable they really were until I looked at their toddler picture (I am so much further ahead in game).
      As for Shiloh…I really don’t know what to say about him right now XD


  2. Pingback: Chapter 6.8 – Holy Brightness, Batman! | Berries of Insanity

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