
Chapter 10.14 – Does not compute

I’m not anything if I’m not true to my word (I’m literally writing this one immediately after the last).

I literally have nothing to add here apart from the fact that I cannot wait to start playing these guys again once this chapter is done!

Why I decided to start this chapter off with Geneva playing the keyboard I shall never know.

Maybe to show that she actually does something that’s not just dancing?

Gen: I’m a girl of many hidden talents

So I’m starting to realise.

Speaking of dancing; Rowan’s generation is quickly winding up so she spends most of the time dancing now.

I guess even TH’s need a dance break every now and then

Rowan: You got that right

This chapter already seems to be jumping all over the place but now we have puppies in the house again!

From left to right we have Clementine, Goofball and Pudding (I let my sister’s pick their names and of course they picked names from Telltale’s The Walking Dead Game)

All 3 of these pups are female.

As adorable as they all are I kinda have to go with Clementine as the doggie heir this gen.

Pudding: But I is cute too

‘Course you are Puddin’ but if I picked anyone but Clementine I’m pretty sure my sister’s would never speak to me again (and one of them read this so not gonna chance it haha)

Hey Giz, you’re a dad now

Gizmo: *Does not compute*

Aw, look at my 2 heirs together (So far at least)

Why did I never realise how freaking adorable these interactions with the puppies were before now?

It’s not like I’ve had like 10 generations of dogs before now to come to that conclusion or anything.

Qena: If Vee gets Clementine I’m claiming these other two as mine

Val: That would maybe work better if you weren’t smooshing them under your massive feet

Qena: My feet aren’t massive…are they?

At least one of the pups isn’t being smooshed anymore

Gizmo: This doesn’t smell right, who gave the family permission to adopt another dog?

Hate to break it to you Giz but they are literally your children

Gizmo: *Does not compute*

Aw c’mon, you can’t just do that when you don’t wanna take responsibility for them

While the rest of the family are obsessed with the new pups Geneva is across town trying to steal one of her neighbours cats. Please don’t steal the cat, our house is full enough as it is.

Gen: C’mon kitty, you come home with me. I promise I won’t let the dogs eat you

Cat: I’m so tired of this shit

Gen: Please come and be my friend kitty

No Gen! No more animals!

Gen: Not even this one?


Gen: Pretty please


Gen: That’s so not fair. You let the other have the dogs, why can’t I have this?

The other’s only have the dogs cause they are their own legacy, nothing more.

Gen: It’s still so unfair!

Gen: Fine, if you won’t give in I’ll just sit here next to the kitty until you do give in

You’ll be waiting a long ass time then cause if there’s one thing I know for sure about myself it’s that I’m stubborn.

Gen: We shall see about that

That we shall

All the easels are taken up by Nessie’s unfinished paintings so Hurricane has resorted to using the sketching board instead.

At least he’s being creative about it and not bitching at me like most sims would.

You are freaking kidding me!

I know I said I wouldn’t give in but she didn’t have to go and die on me cause I wouldn’t give her a cat. -10

Gen: Mr Reaper, will there be cats where you’re taking me?

Grim: Of course there will, they are the gatekeepers to the underworld after all

Gen: Sign me up!

She is brought home and laid to rest in the front yard for now.

I think she’s the first accidental death I’ve had in this legacy since Zuko in Gen 7 or 8.

It feels slightly wrong to be having a birthday party for Salem and Qena immediately after losing Geneva but apparently that’s what’s happening.

Qena: I wish Geneva was still alive to see this

Broken heartCrying face

Damn, these girls just keep getting prettier and prettier.

Salem had a B or C in school so her new trait was locked in. She got Frugal so is officially out of the running for heir.

She did roll the Greener Gardens LTW though.


I was so hoping you’d roll Insane so I could have you as heir (not that I don’t love Vienna but Qena was my fav from this gen)

Straight after the birthday Nessie makes the phone call for her and Salem to move out.

Bye girls, you’ll be missed.

I hope Story Progression is kinder to you than it was to the last generation.

Aw, poor Rowan is still grieving her daughter.

Everyone is kinds grieving Geneva’s death in the house, even the pups.

Qena: Don’t worry Sweet pea, she’s in a better place now, surrounded by as many cats as she could dream about

Clem: Ew, she liked cats *is instantly over her death*

Am I sick of finding Vienna dancing and not doing literally anything else?

Why yes I am

But am I also glad that at least this way I can keep an eye on her and make sure she’s not dying?


In a, somewhat futile, effort to get over her grief Rowan has taken up sculpting.

I don’t see this ending well since she’s a vampire out in the scorching sunlight but we shall see.

Kingston: Why do people have to go and die, Addie?

Addie: It’s just the way the world works bud, it happens to us all eventually

Kingston: But its not fair

Addie: It never is bud

Kingston: You’re going to die Gizmo

Gizmo: Sorry what?

What the hell?

Kingston: What? Addie told me so

Aw sweetie, I don’t think that’s quite what she meant.

Either Vienna was extremely lucky here to have cast a successful Good luck charm on Addie or she’s been practising her magic while I’ve not been looking.

Vienna: This isn’t a good luck charm, it’s a charm to remove that foot Addie’s surgically sewn into her mouth.

Addie: C’mon, it wasn’t that bad

Vienna: He think’s everyone around him is going to just drop down dead

Addie: Fair point

Addie: I know you’re sad about Gen’s death…

Zaire: I’m gonna stop you there sis cause I heard how you handled this conversation with Kingston and I’m too tired for that shit.

Vienna might actually be the first of the kids to fairy prank Hurricane (I might be mi-remembering though)

Vienna: Of course I am, he won’t even mind cause he adores me.

She looks so smug about it too.

Time just keeps ticking on in this house and soon it is time for the quads to become teens.

It’s about time (she says after they’ve only been alive 2 chapters)

They all look so different and I love it.

Out of them all I think Valencia looks the most like her dad and Zaire is almost a double for her aunt Harper but the other 2 are a pretty good mix.

They also have a good mix of traits each.

Although don’t ask me how they all got to roll their traits apart from Valencia.

Cookie wished to learn to hunt and Rowan wasn’t doing anything so I had her begin Cookie’s training.

If these girls aren’t dancing they can often be found practising their magic skills.

Meg: Do you know that I’m the best broom rider in this family?

Addie: Yeah sure, cause you’ve definitely been on a broom before

Qena: Can you go take you’re conversation somewhere else, your sarcasm if putting me off my workout.

I missed Gizmo’s birthday.

Like most elder animals in this game he doesn’t look any different imo.

I’m still a little sad that Qena isn’t going to be heir, she is so pretty!

To be fair I actually think she and Vienna look pretty similar (if not identical) but their colourings are so vastly different and that makes all the difference.

Rowan got commissioned to upgrade a shower for Kairi so that’s what she’s been up to.

A TH’s work is never done it would seem.

Hurricane is sculpting in the back yard yet again.

I really wish he’d play guitar for his LTW but at least he’s doing something.

Clem: Papa you’re meant to eat like this

Gizmo: Can’t…too tired *Falls asleep in his food*

I then decided to go see what Vienna was up to and found her having a nice little swim in the pool with Cookie.

Cookie: I don’t know this girl

Vienna: Aw c’mon, it’s just a dress. Would you rather I just swam without it?

Cookie: Oh second though your dress is fine for swimming in.

Hallelujah, he actually does still know how to play the guitar.

Now just keep playing it until you max the skill and we’ll be golden.

Clem: And then he just fell asleep in the bowl.

Goofball: You’re kidding?

Clem: Nope, it was so embarrassing.

Side note: how have I never noticed that the food bowls are bigger than the puppies before.

And finally, after the second longest generation (In terms of chapters), it’s time to pass on the torch.

Vienna: I’m ready for my closeup

Of course you are

*Obligatory shot of family celebrating*

Our new heir rolls the Zombie Master LTW which is another LTW I’ve never tried.

I still feel bad that Qena wasn’t able to be heir but after seeing YA Vienna I don’t feel quite as bad. She’s stunning Red heart

And with that I’m going to draw this chapter to a close. I’m not sure when the next chapter will be out ‘cause I have to play it now but hopefully it won’t be too long.

Townie Update:

Only one update from the town this chapter and it’s the death of Arrow’s sister Kaskara.


Self wetting (23) -115
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (2) -10
Passing Out (81) -405
Accidental Deaths (7) -70
Social Worker Visit (0)

Every Birth (35) +185
Every Twin Birth (10) +100
Every Triplet Birth (0)
Fulfilling LTW (18) +720
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (35) +175
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (10) +100
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (10) +100
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (47) +235

Every sim to max their career (15) +150

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (1)

Total points: 1,280

Chapter 10.13 – Helluva Life


I don’t even really know what I’m doing when it comes to sims right now, I played a few gens of my for fun speed legacy but then realised that I wanted to get back to the Holly’s so here we are.

Last time we had the birth-child-ness of the quads (who are thankfully the last kids this gen. I love these kids but there comes a point when there’s just too many of them). We also had our new potential heir picked out (unless of course one of the other kids rolls insane too). Now that you’re all caught up let’s just back in and see what madness unfold this time.

In this house I really shouldn’t be surprised to find at least one of the kids fairy pranking one of the others.

Valencia (I think) quickly gets bored of bugging her brother though and goes to play virtual chess.

Val: He’s no fun. He just goes and cries to mum that I’m being mean to him

…Aren’t you though?

Val: And?

Nessie is still playing with her magic at any opportunity.

Rowan: Hey Salem can you tell me if my wings are still ok?

Salem: Nice mum, just cause I don’t have any doesn’t mean you can be an ass about it *stomps off*

Rowan: What’s her deal?

Just the average day in the Holly household nowadays (although usually we have more dancing).

I think Gen may be the first of this generation to actual make herself something to eat from scratch.

The rest of the family just lives on the leftovers from the fridge.

So, how is it?

Gen: It’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten. So much better than mouldy decades old pasta from the fridge.

Kingston: Hey guys, look at the castle I built!

Kingston: Guys?

Sorry bud, there’s no one around

Kingston: …B…but I built it all by myself

Sad smile

I’m really liking Addie’s paintings that is all.

More fairy pranks, this time between Zaire and Geneva.

Gen is able to make it backfire though.

Gen: Do you really think you could pull one over me?

Zaire: You’re gonna be in so much trouble when dad finds out you’re being mean to me!

Gen: You keep telling yourself that squirt

Zaire: Daddy, Gen’s being mean to me!

‘Cane: *of screen* Geneva Holly, you be nice to your sister

Zaire: Smile with tongue out

Gen: *Mumbles to self* This is some bs

I have no idea why Vienna is outside working on the car but it’s skilling so I can’t complain.

Uh…that’s an interesting painting you have there Hurricane.

‘Cane: Just cause you don’t have any talent don’t downplay my artistic brilliance

I was honestly sitting here for ages trying to come up with a caption for this picture which got me thinking that the last time I played with dolls was when I was like 11 but then that got me thinking, isn’t Sims kinda just like a more grown up version of playing with dolls?

Ngl, that kinds screwed up how I thought about this game for a while afterwards.

With that absolute mindfuck out of the way I guess we should get back to the regularly scheduled programme.

Zaire: Fear me for I am the great Zairex and I have come to claim my dinner

Megara: That’s great but I’m kinda busy here

Zaire: But the great Zairex wants to eat you *Pouty face*

Megara: Not today I’m afraid

Getting fed up of her sisters pestering Megara leaves and goes to hang out with her mum.

They end up fairy frolicking in the front yard while Salem practises her magic skills.

Salem: Ness can’t be the only one who know how to use her powers, you know?

Aw Hurricane and Addie get some father-daughter bonding time in while they are both painting.


Kingston is another of the kids to take up ballet.

Is it bad that I kinda forget about Kingston a lot of the time?

You’d think with him being the only boy it would be the opposite but nope.

Kingston: Nice to know it isn’t just my family who forget my existence.

Why are so many of these kids drawn to this car?

I can’t even remember who it was originally bought for but almost all the Holly’s have had a turn working on it.

After working on the car for a good while Gen then goes to take a dip in the pool and shows off her mermaid tail (which is the wrong colour but I don’t know how to fix it without making her wings disappear).

It’s a little late in the generation but I guess I finally decided to give Gizmo a mate.

Her name is Cookie.

I can already tell these two are gonna make super cute puppies.

Oh look, some of the kids can actually get on without playing fairy tricks on each other.

Val: You call yourself a vampire? You don’t even have fangs

Zaire: Mummy says my big girl fangs will come in eventually

Val: Yeah sure, like she also said you’re ‘big girl’ wings would come in too

Zaire: B…but…*starts crying*

Oops, I guess I spoke too soon.

Puppy making commences.

Both Vee and Addie get themselves onto the honor roll +10

Addie please stop talking to random strangers.


Kingston passes out after school –5

I really should be paying more attention to these kids so I know if they are in danger of a fail or not.

More sculpting from Hurricane.

He seems to enjoy this almost as much as painting.

And the time has finally come for the eldest of Generation 10 to become a YA.

I think I’m gonna take the time now to explain what’s gonna happen with this legacy now since most ISBI’s would finish when the eldest of Gen 10 reaches YAhood (AKA now) but since I don’t personally count Peppermint’s generation as an actual generation we are gonna be going for at least another generation. After that I’m not sure what I’m gonna do yet. I may continue the family as an ISBI or I may start another challenge altogether with them. Either way the Holly’s will continue regardless.

Nessie’s isn’t the only birthday being celebrated today; it’s also time for Addie to become a teenager too.

All the family is there to help them celebrate (some looking happier about it than others)

Val: What can I say, I’m just here for the cake.

Nessie is gorgeous!

I really should’ve known that because of how pretty Rowan is but I’m an idiot and didn’t think of it like that.

Ness rolled Artistic as her final trait so she’s 100% out of the running for heir.

She did roll Magic Makeover as her LTW though.

Addie is also stunning. How did I get so lucky with these kids genetics?

She rolled Family-Oriented as her teen trait so she’s pretty much out of the running for heir now too since by the time she rolls another trait Vienna would’ve already taken over.

Ok so I’m stupid and thought that I needed to stop here because I needed an heir poll but posting up the chapters online made me realise that I already have a default heir in Vienna ’cause she rolled the Insane trait. So back to playing I go.

Apparently I left all my sims celebrating in the kitchen when I exited the game last time.

I’ve left them in worst places before so this I can work with.

Kingston: When is this party gonna be over so I can go to bed?

Soon Kinston, soon

Kingston: I’ve literally been standing here for months, can you be a little more specific?

Meg why are you arguing with some random townie?

Whatever the reason they are enemies somehow.

These kids really do get up to the weirdest shit when I’m not looking.

After the random goes away Meg then meets her cousin Caleb Louie (Typhoon’s son).

They chat for a little while before Meg runs home (I think that’s where she headed anyway)

Addie is still plugging away with her painting even though she’s a teen now.

With the vampiric skilling I wonder if she’ll max the skill before she moves out?

I then got this pop up for Vienna so I decided to let her go.

I don’t usually let my sims go on these dates but it’s looking increasingly likely that Vienna will be heir so it’s never to early to start spouse hunting.

Her date doesn’t turn up which sucks but she does get to fairy pranks her great-uncle Dagger.

My sims never leave the house enough to visit sims that have moved out of the legacy house so it’s good to see them when they do pop up.

Dagger takes Vienna’s pranking a lot better than most sims would.

Vienna: You’re so cool Uncle Dagger

Dagger: Tell me something I don’t already know

For being the most overlooked out of all the kids Kingston really does do the most.

Even when he ends up failing.

Kingston: Hey! At least I tried!

Qena: Yo Salem, I think we may have an issue here

Salem: No clue what you’re on about

Qena: So that glowing red cube of death doesn’t worry you?

Salem: Nah, it’s just something dad’s working on in the backyard

Qena: *Sarcastic* Sure, seems legit

(Yeah, not sure why that happens but sometimes when my sims sculpt they’ll get that red cube instead of a statue)

Vienna: No Pyke, I’m not gonna set the world on fire

Vienna: I don’t care if that’s what you want. If the world burns down how can everyone adore me?

Vienna: Yes, Kahlina’s right, you’re mean and I shouldn’t listen to you anymore.

Vienna sweetie, who are Pyke and Kahlina?

Vienna: Why they are the voices in my head of course

Sure, of course, why didn’t I think of that before?

Um…yeah, with that I think I shall leave Vienna to her delusions…

Vienna: They’re not delusions

…Whatever you say. Anyway Imma end it off here and probably start working on the next/last chapter of this gen like right away so I can finally start playing them again. (seriously 1 1/2 years is a long ass time not to play this save). Either way, see you guys on the flip side.


Self wetting (23) -115
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (2) -10
Passing Out (81) -405
Accidental Deaths (6) -60
Social Worker Visit (0)

Every Birth (35) +185
Every Twin Birth (10) +100
Every Triplet Birth (0)
Fulfilling LTW (18) +720
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (35) +175
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (10) +100
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (10) +100
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (47) +235

Every sim to max their career (15) +150

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (1)

Total points: 1,290

Chapter 10.12 – My Bad

I told you guys I’d probably start working on this chapter straight after the last so here I am.

There’s really not much more to say than that.

I guess we’re starting this off with the announcement that Nessie made it onto the honor roll

Good Job +5

What’s not as good is me completely forgetting about Hurricane’s birthday.

Hurricane: I’m fine. Everything is fine.

This is the face of a man who’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Is it any wonder that he ended up with a midlife crisis?

A set of birthday’s I definitely didn’t forget though is Vienna and Adelaide’s.

Vienna: Pfft, like I’d ever let you forget my birthday.

I guess Vienna finally figured out how to make herself de facto heir after all.

Vienna: Told you I’d find a way

That you did.

So as it stands Vienna will be heir going forward unless any of her siblings roll ‘Insane’ too. It’s kinds nuts that we went for so long in this legacy without anyone rolling insane only for Arrow to roll it in Gen 8 and now Vienna in Gen 10.

Now that we have an heir the other kids birthdays are slightly less important

It’s still interesting to see how they’ll turn out though.

Rowan pops with her latest (and hopefully last) pregnancy.

Vienna: If I catch one more damn dog pee puddle in this house I’m kicking them all out when I take over.

For once I might actually agree with you

Addie takes after her parents (or that might just be because she Artistic).

At this point it’s kinda just a formality to take pictures of ‘Cane skilling his kids ‘cause we all know he’s gonna do it regardless.

I can’t remember if I took this picture more to show off that Vienna’s taken to working out or to show off her athletic outfit which I actually really like.

Rowan was rapidly running out of things to do so I had her work on her handiness skill by working on the car.

Rowan then goes into labour.

I know I haven’t had any luck with it this Gen but please be multiples, please be multiples.

Holy shit, it actually worked!

Not only that but we also finally got a boy in this generation!

They kids are named Zaire(Zai-eh)(Democratic Republic of the Congo), Valencia(Spain), Kingston(Jamaica) and Megara(Greece).

Zaire is Fairy, Witch, Vamp. Valencia is Vamp, Fairy, Witch, Mermaid. Kingston is Vamp, Witch, Fairy, Mermaid and finally Megara is is the only non-vamp this gen being only Fairy and Witch.

I’ve got my work cut out for me now so thank god that Hurricane’s actually helping.

Vienna also steps in to help out a little.

Vienna: These little beans aren’t actually that bad

What’s this? Is the ice queen actually softening?

Vienna: Tell anyone about this and I’ll just say you’re lying.

Splat dies which is sad but I guess I guess that’s now my cue to find a mate for Gizmo.

Actually scratch that, Vienna is a much better help with the quads than even Hurricane is.

She adores those babies.

At this point there are so many kids that I’m not even sure who this one is.

I thought it might be Geneva cause of the pink but she’s not got freckles so maybe Adelaide?

It seems super quick but I just didn’t have anything to take pictures of whilst taking care of the quads so it’s now their birthday.

First is Zaire who has either Caelin or Moray’s hair colour(the colours really are too similar and I didn’t write down who’s was who), Hurricane and Dusk’s eye colours and I think Emmaline’s skin. She might actually be the only one of the kids to actually get that skin.

Then we have Valencia who has Hurricane’s hair colour, Dusk and Rowan’s (blue) eye colours and who knows who’s skin cause it doesn’t look like any of the other kids skins.

Next up is Kingston, the only boy of this gen, who got Hurricane’s hair and skin with Emmaline’s eye colours.

And finally we have Megara who has some random purple hair along with Dusk’s freckly skin and Moray and Caelin’s eye colours.

All in all I think they are a really nice genetic mix.

Skilling time.

Thank god for autonomous skilling.

I’m having flashbacks to when Rowan was a toddler *shudders*

It’s like a never-ending cycle, as soon as one is fully skilled and allowed to sleep it’s time to move onto the next.

Aw, they are all so precious when they are sleeping (mostly cause that’s the only time they are quiet haha)

The skilling need got so bad that even the teens had to step in and help out.

Again I’ll say it; thank god for autonomous toddler skilling.

We take a quick break from toddler skilling to age up Geneva and Qena.

Honestly with those traits Geneva is very close to becoming me when I was a teenager.

I can’t quite tell who she takes after looks wise but that just means she’s unique so that’s always a plus.

Qena on the other had is gonna have a very rough time in this house consider she now doesn’t like art and both her parents are artists.

I see someone’s insane trait is starting to kick in

Vienna: What you talking ‘bout? Isn’t this where everyone brushes their teeth

Geneva: And she called me a loser *Laughs*

Qena’s first action as a child is to go dance on the ballet barre.

I guess that one way to escape all the art and artists in this house.

Another of the kids takes up alchemy.

From the hair I think it’s Addie.

Geneva then decides she’s gonna take care of the dogs from now on.

That’s perfectly fine with me tbh since I keep forgetting about them.

This makes me realise though that I still haven’t decided what I’m going to do about a mate for Gizmo yet.


Vienna: It was…uh…the dogs

Yeah, sure, we’ll go with that -5

Can I just say I love all the community mods that are out nowadays that actually allow toddlers to interact with each other.

That should’ve been included by EA to begin with.

With all the toddler skilling time has passed in game really quickly so it’s no surprise that it’s the quads birthdays again.

Enjoy you’re last look at the quads as toddlers.

Spaghetti toddler!


I actually really like how they’ve turned out tbh.

I’m a bit iffy on Megara right now but hopefully she’ll grow on me as she get’s older.

Anyway imma call it’s quits here for now. There’s only 2 more chapters left of this generation so I’ll explain my plans for the Holly’s in the last of those. So yeah, until the next chapter, peace out (Great now I’m using my YouTube outro here too).

Townie Updates

Aw, I had such hopes for you two.

Any bets this one won’t last either

Damn, I guess I better eat my words since she up and got married to him.


Self wetting (23) -115
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (2) -10
Passing Out (80) -400
Accidental Deaths (6) -60
Social Worker Visit (0)

Every Birth (35) +185
Every Twin Birth (10) +100
Every Triplet Birth (0)
Fulfilling LTW (18) +720
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (33) +165
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (10) +100
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (10) +100
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (47) +235

Every sim to max their career (15) +150

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (1)

Total points: 1,285

Chapter 10.11 – My Ultimate Revenge

It’s a lovely sunny day outside and instead of sitting out there in the sun I’m hiding out in my bedroom ‘cause my mum’s got a friend of hers over that I don’t like so what perfect time to write some more Holly’s.

Last time we had a few birthdays, some fails, a birth and 2 of the most important deaths in this entire legacy imho, Rune and Arrow (oh well, at least they are together again).

Ok, enough with the sad stuff, let;s check in with some of the alive Holly’s.

Somehow I’m not surprised in the slightest to find ‘Cane toddler skilling yet again.

This picture just serves to remind me that I never did colour the peg box to match the xylophone and that is forever gonna bug me (she says then immediately forgets about it).

Vienna: Mumma is she gone yet?

Rowan: Rowan: Not yet Sweetie, just stay like this and she’ll eventually get bored and move on

*Sigh* Why don’t any of my sims like me Sad smile

Nessie tries to cast a bad luck spell on some random but it backfires on her. Sucks to be her I suppose.

Nessie: Say that to my face, I dare you.

I’d love to see what you’d do about it since you can’t even get a simple spell to work.

Nessie: I’ll show you exactly what I’ll do *Eats poisoned apple out of spite*

Damn, I didn’t mean it. Don’t die Nessie!

Of course she didn’t die, just cost me points instead –5

Nessie: ‘s my ultimate revenge *Passes out*

Despite all that she still doesn’t learn and immediately goes and fairy pranks her uncle Riptide (Hurricane’s brother).

Suffice to say he’s pissed.

Riptide: Just because your dad puts up with your bullshit doesn’t mean I will

Nessie: Whoa, take a chill pill dude, it was just a joke

Riptide: We’ll see about that when the cops get here

Nessie: I can’t believe he actually called the cops on me!

Nessie: Well I guess I’ll just go delete my code from the world before mum finds out about this *disappears*

Wait…what? Where’d you go Nessie?

No joke, Nessie actually just straight up disappeared from my game completely so I had to reload the game.

Luckily I’d saved shortly before so no harm done.

A reload of the game sees Hurricane max his painting skill.

Way to go ‘Cane! +5

Speaking of Hurricane I just realised that I never did show quite how many siblings he actually has. He has 10.
From L-R we have Calle, Storm, Typhoon, Tsunami, Myst, Avalanche, Tornado, Solar, Riptide and Lightning.

Vienna: Can you tell Gen to quit her babbling, I’m trying to work here!

You’re actually doing your homework? I thought you’d be the type to get someone else to do it for you

Vienna: I’d never be caught dead doing something so mundane. I’m trying to work out the best way to become heir so everyone will have no choice but to adore me.

…Carry on then

Addie falls asleep on the floor instead of crawling into her bed -5

She the first of the kids to do that this Gen.

This is getting kind of ridiculous now.

I mean, I expected a few accidental pregnancies but not this many.

How was your journey back from the void Ness?

Nessie: No clue what you’re on about

Addie: *Whispers* Take me with you next time

Nessie: *Whispers back* Promise

Ok, I can’t be too mad at these two for so many accidental pregnancies when they are so damn cute together.

Biting a stuffed teddies neck, just your average everyday for a vampire toddler…

Geneva: Don’t worry Mr Penguin, I’ll keep you safe

…Ok maybe not your average everyday. I’m seriously starting to worry about this child.

Since maxing out painting it seems Hurricane has moved onto other skills, namely guitar.

It’s then time for Salem’s teen birthday!

I love her!

She’s so unique looking (although taking a closer look at her she may actual just be a Rowan clone with a different eye shape and colouring). Still, she’s more unique than Nessie was and even if that’s the case at least she’s not a complete clone.

She aged up just in time to go to prom.

Nothing of note happened though.

I think I’ve confused myself here ‘cause in my notes I’ve written that Vienna is another of the kids to gravitate towards the alchemy station but I can’t remember any of the other kids using it. There’s always the chance that I’m misremembering or just straight up wrong though.

Addie apparently doesn’t know how to bed properly, instead preferring to sleep in the potty -5

Eww, that’s nasty.

At least Geneva knows how to use a bed.

Speaking of Geneva its time for her to become a child.

Poor baby got stuck with the loser trait.

Vienna: *Under breath* What a dork *Continues to blow into the party blower thing to cover it up*

You better watch out Vienna, it looks like someone might be taking over in the attention department

Vienna *off screen* Where? Who are they? I will make them pay for this treachery!

Vienna’s anger quickly dissipates as she gets caught up in the dance party going on in the hallway.

Damn fairy genes!

If I remember correctly Vienna is the first of the kids seen drinking a plasma pack instead of eating food.

Vienna: I have to stand out someway

Out of all the kids Nessie is the one most obsessed with magic. She plays around with it all the time.

Nessie: Need to make sure I don’t mess up and evaporate myself into the abyss like last time

Yeah, good idea

Labour time part 79540

Yet another girl. I think my game is showing a serious bias this generation (not that I’m complaining)

Anyway, this is Qena (Key-Na) (after the city in Egypt)

She is a Vampire, Witch, Fairy, Mermaid.

Even as a child Geneva still loves her teddy.

Geneva: Of course I love him, he’s my only friend

Aw, my poor baby Broken heart

More random skilling for ‘Cane.

Did I mention I love him ‘cause he’s awesome

Salem: Mum , can I ask you something?

Rowan: Shoot

Salem: Can I get a Unicorn? I know they are hard work but I figured it’d be a cool pet

Rowan: Sweetie if you can find and tame one then feel free to bring it home

Salem: Sweet! You’re the best mum

Vienna fairy pranks Geneva.

Of course it would be poor Geneva who get it. This girl really has no luck.

Salem: Mum says we can get a Unicorn! Isn’t that great?

Qena: *Baby babbles incoherently*

Vienna then cleans up one of the many dogs pee puddles.

I’m getting so fed up of them peeing in the house.

Vienna: You’re getting fed up? You’re not the one having to clean it


Rowan: So…I may have heard that you’ve been pranking your sister

Vienna: And?

Rowan: I think you should lay of Geneva a little. She has it hard enough as it is

Vienna: It’s not my fault she’s a loser

Rowan: Vee, that’s not fair

Vienna: But that’s literally what she is. Her traits say so

Rowan *Sigh* Just be nicer to her, ok?

Vienna: Fine, whatever

Is this the first time Rowan has taken blood from ‘Cane? It might actually be.

Adelaide: When I’m older I’m gonna bite people just like mummy

Uh…that’s not a great lesson to learn from this Addie, also I can’t even remember if you’re actually a vampire or not.

Rowan: I don’t know what came over me but than you for feeding me, Love

‘Cane: *Slightly woozy* Anytime

More fairy pranks from Vienna.

Rowan: Vienna…

Vienna: What? I promised I’d lay off on Geneva, not the rest of these dorks.

Rowan: …Damn you got me there

I stg if you two end up pregnant again I’m so gonna rage quit.

God damn it Rowan.

I guess I now have my answer on how many kids this generation will have then.

Nessie: So we got a deal then, I sit here with you and you pretend I’m playing with you when Vienna comes around?

Addie: Deal

Nessie: Can’t have her casting any of those spells on me when I can’t protect myself after all.

I guess I may as well get started on those last 4 kids since this generation is rapidly coming to a close.

I think my idea here was to somehow get them to have quads instead of multiple different pregnancies.

Can’t remember if that panned out or not though.

While her parents are busy it’s time for Qena’s birthday.

I’m pretty sure she’s a clone of Hurricane but that doesn’t make her any less adorable.

Colouring wise she has either Caelin or Moray (Hurricane’s dad) hair colour along with Rowan (The blue) and Emmaline (the purple) eye colours. Again, I can’t remember who’s skin she has because of the vampire-ness.

Anyway, I think I’m gonna end things off here. I’ll probably end of working on the next chapter like right away cause I’m still hiding out in my room so need something to do haha so expect the next chapter to be out soon too.

Townie Updates

Oh, looks like Dagger is finally joining the rest of his sibling in having a kid. Took him long enough.

I don’t quite know how to feel about this since I like Finn but Calle was mean to Rowan so I kinda don’t like her.

I wonder if they’ll be able to make it work though. I kinda have faith in Finn since he was with his ex for so long.

Aw, c’mon Harper.

You were the only one who was still with your long term partner. I is sad now Sad smile

Apparently all the Gen 9 Holly’s have just decided to get with Hurricane’s family.

Aw, that’s sad.

I guess I should’ve expected it though ‘cause she was only human unlike Arrow and Dagger.

Speaking of Dagger, I guess he ended up having a girl.

I’ll have to try remember to check in and see what she looks like at some point.

Harper has fallen for the trap of dating one of ‘Cane’s siblings too.

Damn, I thought she was smarter than that.

Again, I’m not at all surprised.

I am sad this one didn’t work out though cause they would’ve made the cutest kids.


Self wetting (22) -110
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (2) -10
Passing Out (80) -400
Accidental Deaths (6) -60
Social Worker Visit (0)

Every Birth (31) +165
Every Twin Birth (10) +100
Every Triplet Birth (0)
Fulfilling LTW (18) +720
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (32) +160
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (10) +100
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (10) +100
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (47) +235

Every sim to max their career (15) +150

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (1)

Total points: 1,265

Chapter 10.10 – No More Deaths

Howdy Y’all (don’t ask my why I’ve suddenly started saying that when I’m literally from Scotland and have never left Europe. It’s just somehow found it’s way into my vocabulary lately)

Anyway, who’s ready for some Holly madness (which hopefully won’t include any more deaths)

Of course we have to start the chapter off with Rowan popping with the pregnancy she was throwing up with near the end of the last chapter.

It also seems that Salem isn’t the only one bothered by the dirt around the house.

I wouldn’t mind so much if it wasn’t for Nessie needing to sleep, like right now. I sense incoming disaster from this.

‘Cane: You are my precious baby girl, no matter how old you are Vienna.

Vienna: And don’t you forget it

It seems like Vienna has Hurricane wrapped tightly around her little finger (along with all the rest of the adults in the house)

Salem: I’ll show Vienna who’s the queen of this house.

Salem: Bow down and worship me

Salem: Why is no one worshipping me?

*Crickets chirp*

One ‘Cane is able to peel himself away from Vienna he becomes a skilling machine.

Like seriously he just doesn’t stop, drifting from one skilling object to another.

Just remember Splat, you’re job in this legacy is done and I can get rid of you at any time I want

Splat: *Instantly stops attacking the chair*

While we’re in the kitchen we may as well celebrate Nessie’s birthday.

Nessie: Nice to know I’m an afterthought to a dog

Just hush and blow out your candles

Nessie: Ugh…so tired

That’s definitely not got anything to do with you not going to bed last night or anything. Nope, not at all.

Nessie: Enough with the smartass comments and let me go to bed already

Go ahead, I ain’t stopping you

Of course instead of actually going to bed she stays up playing with her newfound witch powers.

Why am I not surprised?

Nessie: Don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m wide awake

Suuuuuuuuuuuure, the z’s above you’re head already ratted you out

Nessie: Drats


And even after passing out she still doesn’t go to bed, instead deciding to help out with Vienna.

It seems Vienna’s influence extends beyond her parents and grandparents to her siblings too.

Vienna: I can’t believe you ever doubted me

Nessie eventually gets to her bed without anymore pass outs thankfully.

Salem: Mummy why did Nanna and Grams have to die?

Rowan: Sweetie it’s just the way the world works

Salem: But it’s not fair…I want them here with me

Rowan: At least they are happy together

Salem: I…I guess so *lip trembles*

Oh dear lord, the stupidity’s catching -5

Vienna’s influence is also spreading.

Run while you can Geneva!

Vienna: It’s already too late

Oh look, another birthday!

This time for the tiny terror herself.

*Explodes in sparkles*

I’m not sure what expected but she’s super cute regardless.

The first thing she does after having her birthday though is pee herself –5

The stupidity really is catching around here

Just like her older sister upon aging up Vienna rolled a wish to go to a skill class so off she pops using her one child action. The class was for writing.

After her class she then decided it was a good idea to faceplant into the snow and make a snow angel.

I thought it was only rebellious sims that made faceplant snow angels? Guess not since Vienna isn’t rebellious.

Nessie: Uh Watcher I hate to break it to you but there’s something going down in the other room.

No! Don’t you dare tell me!

Arrow: No Rune, don’t go! I need you *Sobs*

My heart Broken heart

Ngl this death hit hard.

I even had to stop playing for a while.

When I do return to playing Rune’s urn is placed above Arrow’s bed.

She will be put in the graveyard when Arrow passes so they can still be together.

I think Salem was the kid that wished to take a painting class when she became a child so it’s good to see her continuing to work on those skills.

Can you kids please stop conjuring poisoned apples.

My heart will thank you

Salem finishes her painting. Seems kind of fitting with all the heartache she’s going through.

That one painting also got her to lv 5 in the painting skill ’cause of vampiric skilling.

I completely missed Rowan’s labour this time around.

She had another girl, named Adelaide (after Adelaide in Australia).

Addie is a Vampire, Fairy, Witch, Mermaid like Salem

Dog who’s name I can’t remember: No Nessie’s allowed

Nessie: Listen here punk, it’s my room so shut it before I drop kick you into next week

Wow, harsh Ness!

Nessie: Stupid dog doesn’t even know what I said so it doesn’t matter

Why I took this picture? I can’t remember. Will it be important later on? Probably not

Vienna: Of course it will. It’s the castle I’m gonna get my worshippers to build for me

Yeah…uh…I totally see that

More autonomous being an awesome father from Hurricane.

I don’t think there’s a single kid of his born yet that he hasn’t immediately flocked to.

This one hurts less than it did the last time.

It seems oddly fitting that she passes while thinking of Rune though.

As soon as Arrow passes away Hurricane passes out in the hall -5

Apparently no one in this house knows how to go to bed anymore and prefer to just sit drinking coffee until they pass out.

Rowan: All my parents are gone now *sobs uncontrollably*

Nessie: It’s ok mum, we’re still here for you

Rowan: Thank you Sweetie

Its great that you’re doing your homework and all Ness but please go to bed.

Rowan: *In squeaky penguin voice* …And that’s how I came here. I’m you’re friend for life

Gen: Fweind for wife?

Rowan: *As penguin* Yep

Gen: Yay!

Rowan: I think Mr Penguin wants a hug now Sweetie

Gen: Otay Mummy

Gen: I wuv you Mr Penguin

I almost missed the youngest baby (so far anyway) having her birthday.

I did have to play with her genetics which sucked but she ended up looking cute anyway so it’s all cool.

Colouring wise she has Hurricane’s hair, Moray (Hurricane’s dad) and Dusk’s eyes and I’m not completely sure who’s skin.

To end of the chapter I had another look in at all the spares kids since most of them are grown up now.

These first two are Harper’s sons Corey and Jack. Both of them look a lot like Harper.

The second two are Finn’s two kids Lynn and Jarreth.

Lynn is pretty much Finn’s double and Jarreth is all his dad apart from jawline/chin and lips which he must’ve inherited from his mother.

Next up we have AJ’s only kid, Esther, who is pretty much her father’s double

and after Esther we have Rebecca’s oldest Beatrix who is her mother’s clone.

There really isn’t that much genetic diversity going on with these kids I’ve got to say.

And lastly we have the youngest of the batch, Rebecca’s youngest Dean and Kairi’s daughter Heather.

Like his sister Dean is looking to be a clone of their mum and Heather kinda looks like a clone too but her lips look slightly different so maybe she’s not?

Anyway I’m gonna end it off here cause now I’m away to watch Wrestlemania since I started writing this chapter instead of watching it earlier.

Townie Updates

Baby Heather’s birth announcement.

Poor Esther can’t catch a break with her parent’s being together.

Hurricane’s mum passed on. I guess I should’ve expected this since she was an elder when the family moved into town.

No! You were my last hope for any of your sibling to have a long term relationship!


Self wetting (22) -110
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (2) -10
Passing Out (77) -385
Accidental Deaths (6) -60
Social Worker Visit (0)

Every Birth (32) +160
Every Twin Birth (10) +100
Every Triplet Birth (0)
Fulfilling LTW (18) +720
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (32) +160
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (10) +100
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (10) +100
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (46) +230

Every sim to max their career (15) +150

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (1)

Total points: 1,270

Chapter 10.9 – Thems the Rules

…And we’re back (by we I mean the Holly’s obviously since they’re the entertainment here).

I can’t believe we’re 9 chapters through this generation and all of the kids aren’t even born yet.

Hell I’ve had generations that were shorter than that from start to end…

…Kinda got stuck on a little tangent there so let’s begin before I begin rambling again

Of course we have to start off with Rowan spending some quality time with her youngest.

Um…somethings going on with the gnomes and at this point I’m too scared to ask what.

Salem: Why’m I not Mummy’s favourite anymore?

Sweetie she loves you all, I promise

*Cries* It’s not fair!!

…And the unfairness conti8nues for poor Salem it would seem

Salem: Aw c’mon! First Mummy doesn’t love me no more now Bindi doesn’t either

They do love you, look Bindi Even came back

Salem: *Unhappiness instantly forgotten* Yay Bindi!

(Side note: I didn’t even realise that witch toddlers could make their toys vanish like that. Neat trick)

Did I mention how much I adore Hurricane as an autonomous ISBI spouse ‘cause I really do.

A lot of my toddler skilling in ISBI’s is done by the TH but Hurricane seems to be taking it on himself to help out which makes Rowan’s job so much easier.

Not that she is able to escape all the toddler skilling though (Not that she minds at all)

Rowan: Say ‘Supernatural’ baby girl

Vienna: No thanks, that show was over-rated at best

*Gasps* I think I’ve just decided I no longer like you Vienna

On that note though, does anyone else think Vienna reminds them of toddler Yuki or is that just me?

Maybe it’s just the skin colour idk

I think Caelin and Dusk are going senile in their old age as it says they’re watching someone on the keyboard but no one is playing.

N’aww, how cute is it that Nessie chooses to spend time with her little sister.

On that note Nessie wished to be friends with her dad so I used her one child action to pillow fight with him which should get them to friendship level. For whatever reason pillow-fighting is kinda broken when it comes to making sims friends super quickly.

Autonomous risky woohoo strikes again as Rowan is pregnant.

I don’t actually mind ’cause I didn’t have a limit on kids this gen so I’m just letting them decide (which is why all woohoo is risky in the first place).

Am I insane? Why yes, glad you guys finally noticed haha

‘Cane: The Watcher just told me we’re having another baby, is that true?

Rowan: *Sarcastically* No, I just thought I’d swallowed a watermelon

Vienna: If I hide here she can’t eat me like she did the watermelon

Vienna: *Gulps* Is she coming? Can she see me?

No need to fear Vee, I’ll protect you

Vienna: Yeah sure, more like I’ll protect you but go off

Keep up that attitude and I’ll let her eat you

Vienna: *Puts on adorable baby voice* I sowwy

*Narrows eyes* You know exactly how to get me

At this point I have no clue how long Nessie has been a child for but she’s managed to get herself onto the honor roll

Nessie: It’s not what you know it’s who you know

Good to know, I’ll have to keep that in mind +5

Dusk spends most of her time on the trampoline where she does some flips which I feel would be more impressive if she wasn’t a fairy and could fly.

This chapter is kinda jumping all over the place but I guess it’s time for Salem’s birthday ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Her family are there to help her celebrate

Despite rolling excitable Salem grows up looking 110% done with everything.

I mean at least they can’t get MORE pregnant

Salem seems to have lost her wings upon aging up but she’s still a fairy so I guess it doesn’t matter.

It is funny watching her do these idle animations without the wings though.

Salem rolled a wish to go to a painting class so I used her one child action to send her.

Lookit dat bump!

Rowan: A little privacy would be appreciated

Pfft, have you met me? Never gonna happen.

Nessie plays around with Rune. Aww.

Now I’ve made myself sad thinking about how old Rune is now.

Moving on from Rune’s inevitable death we find Rowan helping Nessie with her homework a little while later.

I honestly don’t know what’s going on with Dusk and Caelin anymore, they are always fighting.

Please stop fighting cause I can’t fix the damage it causes to your relationship.

Caelin and Dusk: *Both continue yelling*


Wait…are you actually cleaning?

Salem: Well no one else in this house is gonna do it

…fair point

Nessie then tries to play a fairy trick on Salem…which backfires on her.

I do not see this ending well at all

Nessie: How could you do that to me?

But you were literally about to do the same thing to her

Nessie: You stay out of it!

I later find Nessie and Rowan fairy frolicking, at least Nessie isn’t using her powers to be a nuisance anymore.


Vienna: Give in, they all do eventually

I don’t have a clue where Salem is but upon checking in on her I found her in the middle of conjuring a poisoned apple. Please don’t eat that ‘cause I can’t remember what’ll happen if you do.

Labour time part 4 for Rowan

But that’s not as important as what’s happening in the next room

Arrow: Why do I suddenly feel all light and floaty?

Arrow: Aunt Yuki, is that you?

No! Not Arrow! I’m not ready for her to go

Oh, I guess Rowan finally popped out the kid.

Another girl, this one named Geneva (After the city in Switzerland)

Our Geneva is a Vampire, Fairy, Mermaid just like her mum.

Immediately after plopping Geneva out Rowan realises what’s going on.

Arrow: I can’t go yet Mr Reaper. My family need me

Grim: Thems the rules and your time has come

It’s somehow even worse seeing child sims sad than it is seeing the adults upset.

Nessie and Salem: *In unison* Grandma *Sobs*

Rune: Give me back my human

Grim: Sorry, no can do

Rune: Now! I may be old but these teeth can still do hella damage, especially to bones like yours

Grim: *Gulps* No need for that. H…here take her

And with that one heroic act Arrow is back among the land of the living (for now at least).

I’d seen pets save sims from death in other peoples legacies but it’s never happened in mine before. I guess it just goes to show how close Rune and Arrow really were.

Arrow: My word does it feel weird to be solid again

We can send you back if you want

Arrow: Now I didn’t say that

Didn’t think so haha

Rune did I ever mention I Red heart you?

Rune: You did but I could get used to this praise

I swear, out of all the pets I’ve ever had in this game (which is many btw) Rune is by far my favourite.

Nessie: So the brave Hero Rune growled and snapped at the tall man, demanding her best friend back.

Nessie: Of course she got her back, the brave Hero Rune always gets what she wants.

After seeing Arrow’s ‘death’ Dusk must’ve realised that she may not have long left herself because she spent nearly all day with Vienna after that.

Vienna: Don’t get me wrong I’m loving the attention but I need to sleep

Dusk: But if I don’t lavish you with my affection right now I won’t be able to

Seriously again?! Risky is only set to default 10% too.

Rowan: So I heard you talking to your toy about what happened to gramma and I just wanted to let you know that death is a natural part of life and is nothing to be afraid of

Nessie: You done mum? I’m over it

Rowan: Oh…ok

I guess Caelin had the same idea as Dusk did cause she also spends some quality time with Vienna (If I didn’t know better I’d say that kid has brainwashed everyone into worshipping her)

Vienna: *Innocently* What me? I’d never do anything like that.

You’re kidding right? This is literally 1 day after Arrow’s fake out death according to my notes.

Unfortunately for Dusk she doesn’t have a Rune of her own to save her from her fate.

Arrow is there to watch one of the women she loves passing on though.

Nessie: You really are my hero Rune. You can protect us all from that scary Reaper man

So much for ‘being over it’

Literally 10 in game minutes after Dusk dies Caelin dies too.

I can’t quite decide if that’s incredibly romantic or just super sad.

These kids have seen far too much death recently. They’ll probably grow up traumatised.

Nessie: No! Rune you were meant to protect us from the bad Reaper man *Sobs*

In the midst of all that death baby Geneva ages up into an adorable little munchkin.

Colouring wise she has Dusks ginger hair and freckly skin along with Caelin and Arrow’s eye colours (Wow this kid really is a throwback genetics wise, isn’t she)

And with that dreary chapter out of the way I think I’m gonna call it quits here. I have Wrestlemania to watch after all. Hopefully next chapter will be happier than this one is, I somehow doubt that though (Just a feeling, don’t quote me on that). Anyway, see you guys on the flip side.

Townie Updates

Can you girls not just settle down?

See, Rebecca’s managed it quite well

…I guess I spoke to soon

Oh come on, this is getting old.

Why do you two keep going out with each others exes?


Oh I hope this kid turns out well cause that’s literally my favourite ever boys name and if he turns out terribly I’ll be so disappointed.

Tsunami is AJ’s daughter Esther’s dad, right?

That would be so cute if that was the case.

Aw Kairi why? I thought at least one of you guys could have a lasting relationship.

I guess this generation is just cursed in the land of SP.


Self wetting (21) -105
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (2) -10
Passing Out (74) -370
Accidental Deaths (6) -60
Social Worker Visit (0)

Every Birth (31) +155
Every Twin Birth (10) +100
Every Triplet Birth (0)
Fulfilling LTW (18) +720
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (32) +160
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (10) +100
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (10) +100
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (46) +230

Every sim to max their career (15) +150

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (1)

Total points: 1,285

Chapter 10.8 – A Day in the Life

Howdy boys and girls!

We are back at it again with another chapter in the lives of the Holly’s.

Still have no idea what’s going on with this fam (bad memory and all) so I guess we’ll be figuring it all out together haha

Apparently past Chazy decided to kick of this chapter with Nessie being adorable.

I highly approve of this.

Even with two children now ‘Cane is still a doting dad.

And an all ‘round great ISBI spouse in general since he’s even skilling on his own!

Go ‘Cane go!

These two are always at it.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Rowan ended up pregnant again since every woohoo is risky.

For some reason it looks like Arrow has taken up writing.

I didn’t even realise you could do that autonomously.

Arrow: Like I would let a little thing like that stop me


The grandparents still completely dote on their granddaughters which I love Red heart

I have no idea what this IF is called so odds are it’s gonna just fade into complete obscurity at some point.

Nessie: *Is wilfully ignorant*

I have no idea why I took this picture.

Possibly just to show off the day to day life of girls right now?

Speaking of day to day life…

It makes sense for Caelin to be near the water with her being a mermaid and all but why on the water and not in it?


Please guys, I know you love each other but could you like not right now?

I’m so not ready to deal with another kid yet.

(Sorry this is all I could think of when I saw that face)

Salem gets her first bath (although why EA made it look like infants were drowning in the bubbles I’ll never know)

Honestly why am I not surprised?

It’s Salem’s birthday!

Please be a better mix of your parents than your sister was. That’s all I ask.

OMG, I actually think she is a pretty decent mix of her parents.

I’ll have to see her when she’s older to be sure but so far it’s looking promising.

Colouring wise her skin is from her dad, her eyes are Emmaline and Moray’s (Hurricane’s parents) and her hair is Caelin’s (I think).

Salem: Where you go Nessie?

Nessie: Peekaboo!

Salem: *Gasps* No do that. It too scawy

After some quality bonding time between the girls Rowan then snatches Salem up to begin her toddler skills.

It’s definitely best to get them out of the way early, especially with another nooboo on the way.

I don’t quite know what’s going on here but it looks kinda wrong so imma just back out of here…

Why do I take such pointless pictures when I can never come up with anything to caption them with?

I guess the world shall never know.

While everyone else is sleeping Nessie and Salem are playing together.

So cute (also another reason I love those sleeping mats so toddlers can do stuff without having to wait for an adult to let them out of their crib).

Hurricane is at level 9 of painting now.

He was level 5 when he moved in I think so he’s done a fair bit of skilling by himself.

A cake on the counter, that can only mean one thing; it’s someone’s birthday…but who?

Of course it couldn’t have been anyone else than Nessie.

Her, very pregnant, mama is the one to get the honors of taking her to her cake.

Her doting dad is also there to see his baby girl into childhood as well

‘Cane: Woo! Go Ness! My baby girl is growing up *Sheds tear*

‘Cane: Wait…my baby girl is growing up *Starts to panic internally*

Rowan: Relax Love, we’ve still got a long time before she reaches that stage

‘Cane: *Breathes a sigh of relief*

*Sparkle sparkle*

What’s with the long face, Cupcake?

Nessie: This party blow!

Aw, c’mon, straighten that face so we can show everyone how pretty you are.

Nessie: Better?

Much appreciated.

Also, I foresee many parties in this girls future

Nessie: Damn straight!

Now that Nessie is a child I redid Rowan and Harper’s old room.

I’ve only done half since I don’t know what Salem’s traits will be.

The first thing Nessie does as a child is start working on alchemy while her dad plays guitar in the background.

I don’t know why all my sims have suddenly started autonomously skilling but I am loving it.

Labour time pt.3

Rowan: Can you stop enjoying this so god damn much!

Hey you’re the one who keeps getting preggers so this is all on you

Another singular birth (and another girl to cap it off) +5

This one is named Vienna, after Vienna in Austria.

Like her eldest sister, Nessie, Vienna is a vampire, fairy and witch.

It seems so far Salem’s the only one to have inherited the mermaid occult.

Speaking of Salem

Salem: *Om nom nom*

Ok, moving on…

The inevitable baby pile up happens. I’m kind of surprised it took this long tbh.

Dusk: Aw c’mon, it’s my turn to hold the baby!

Vienna: *Is basking in all the attention*

According to my notes I’d completely forgotten that Salem hadn’t been taught to walk so had to rush to have Rowan teach her.

While Salem is learning to walk Mischief is dying in the hall across the house.

She was only 3 days over the lifebar.

Gizmo: Don’t leave me mommy

Mischief: It’s my time Giz, take care of your dad for me.

Gizmo: Oh…okay momma

Just because there’s been a death doesn’t mean that time stops for the rest of the family.

Caelin comes home with her very final promotion which tops out her career +10

The fairy gene is strong in this one.

She’s always dancing.

To be fair her fairy genes go real well with her newly acquired party animal trait.

With Mischief now gone that means that her mum, Rune, must be really close to the end of her lifebar.

I really really don’t want her to die.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so attached to a pixelated animal before.

Caelin: *Whispers* Don’t tell your sisters Vee but you’re my favourite

Vienna: Yes, nourish me with your praise and compliments!

Um…are we sure someone hasn’t dropped her on her head cause that’s kinda wack ngl

Rowan: What a brilliant idea!

I get it you guys, you love each other, but please, no more!

To drag Rowan away from Hurricane for a little while I had her use a young again potion on GIzmo since he’s nearly an elder and I’m not ready for him to have puppies yet.

Nessie: You’re going down zxNoRegretsxz! No one pushes me off a cliff and gets away with it!

Sounds intense

Nessie: Nah, this pleb just doesn’t know who he’s messing with

I then kind of forgot about Vienna’s birthday so uh that happened.

Ngl I did have to play with the genetics of both Vienna and Salem as they were both Rowan clones.

I really like how they both turned out though. I don’t mind 1 clone per gen but not 3, it was like Gen 1 all over again.

Colouring wise Vienna has Arrow’s skin (I think), Caelin and Dusk’s eye colour and Rowan’s hair colour.

And with that I think I’m gonna call it quits for this chapter. See you all in the next one!

Townie Updates

Rebecca why do you and AJ keep doing this to each other?

Like isn’t he still technically with AJ at this point?

Aw, ‘Cane’s dad passed away without meeting any of his grandchildren.

I guess Rebecca wised up and moved on from Tornado’s cheating ways.

Or you know…not.

Damn, she really doesn’t wait around, does she?

Hopefully she can make this relationship last.


Self wetting (21) -105
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (2) -10
Passing Out (74) -370
Accidental Deaths (6) -60
Social Worker Visit (0)

Every Birth (30) +150
Every Twin Birth (10) +100
Every Triplet Birth (0)
Fulfilling LTW (18) +720
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (31) +155
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (10) +100
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (10) +100
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (46) +230

Every sim to max their career (15) +150

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (1)

Total points: 1,275

Chapter 10.7 – Shameless Self Promotion

*Shyly peeks head in* Uh…hi guys.

I honestly didn’t expect to leave you guys hanging for 7 months.

I mean I have had a lot going on in my personal life and for the first time in a very long time Sims wasn’t the thing that I turned to to help me get through it. I actually started my very own YouTube channel where I post Pokémon Nuzlockes (for now at least) so I’ve been trying to work on that. Sims will always be my first love though so I knew I’d eventually come back to it…so here I am.

I took these pictures about a year and a half ago (yes I really played that far ahead) so if I get a bit lost bare with me lol

Anyway, you’re not here to hear me babble about my crap you’re here to read about some sims so let’s see what the Holly’s have been up to.

Apparently I left Rowan and Hurricane having a shotgun wedding.

Neat, at least I put in the effort to actually have an archway instead of them getting married in the bathroom like countless other sims.

I do have to admit they do make a really cute couple.

I’m so glad Rowan picked ‘Cane over his brothers.

Arrow: You better take care of my girl or I’ll be using you as my own personal blood bag, you hear?

Hurricane: *Audible gulp* Yes Ma’am

Bump watch!

Honestly I remember playing through this and being so curious about what this ‘miracle’ baby was gonna end up like.

Guess I didn’t need to be curious for very long ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Rowan: Can you not be so nonchalant while I’m pushing a LITERAL HUMAN out of my NETHER REGIONS?!

Shortly after  out pops little Nessie, named of course after The Loch Ness Monster (or just Loch Ness in general).

Our Nessie is a vampire, witch and fairy +5

Aww, look at how proud the new parents are of their spawn

Both ‘Cane and Rowan: She’s so cute I want another!

Really guys, already?

In her spare time Arrow seems to have taken up alchemy.

That’s new but somehow it’s something I could see her doing.

Speaking of Rowan’s parents; One of her other parent’s comes home with a promotion.

I don’t even know how many promotions Caelin still needs to top this career but well done regardless.

These two waste no time at all getting to work on that next kid they want…

…And afterwards, feeling very proud of himself, ‘Cane goes and holds an impromptu concert in the attic for his in-laws.

Caelin: Boy’s got talent that’s for sure

Arrow: Yeah, if you wanna put someone to sleep that is

Dusk: Hush Arrow, don’t be mean

Arrow: Do you think I was really being to harsh on the boy?

Caelin: Maybe a little…

Arrow: *Begins to pout*

Caelin: But someone’s gotta keep him on his toes and I couldn’t think of a better person than you

It seems to have passed super quickly since Nessie was born late at night but it’s already time for her to become a toddler.

She’s super cute but is a complete face clone of Rowan unfortunately.

I am loving her colours though.

It’s super hard to tell cause her eyes are so light but she has Arrow and Emaline’s (Hurricane’s mum) eye colours and of course Hurricane’s hair colour along with Dusk’s skin.

Look at cute little jelly bean!

Gah, it feels like so long since I’ve had toddlers in my game!

Nessie: Mama, you stop cweepy lady being weird

Rowan: Don’t worry sweetie, you get used to it

Hey! I object to that

Rowan: Really? You’re really gonna say you’re not weird?

…You win this round

Shortly after putting me in my place Rowan then takes on the task of teaching Nessie to talk.

Luckily Nessie is a quick learner and has no difficulty with it.

I can’t stop taking pictures of her, she’s just too cute Red heart

Even with a toddler running about these two still manage to make time for each other.

‘Cane: Who’s got your nose Ness?

Nessie: Daddy I’m a big girl now! I don’t play baby games like that!

‘Cane: Daddy’s got you nose *Boops her on the nose*

Nessie: *Giggles*

‘Cane is the next one to take on skilling Nessie.

I love that he chose to do that all by himself. He’s such a good ISBI dad.

Uh…actually I may have to rescind that if this is his preferred training method.

‘Cane: No clue what you’re talking about. My dad taught me the exact same way and I turned out fine

Just don’t drop the baby!

Not to be left out of this post completely Dusk also manages to nab herself a promotion.

By the end of the day Nessie is fully trained and in bed…

…just in time for Rowan to pop with her second pregnancy.

Rowan: You know that ‘fun’ we had the other day?

‘Cane: Do I ever

Rowan: Well it worked!

‘Cane: You mean…we’re gonna have another baby?!

Rowan: *Nods*

‘Cane: *Is Excite*

Arrow: That floor’s looking mighty comfy right about now

Mischief (I think): I wouldn’t if I was you. You don’t know what trash has been down there.

Arrow: Good point

Arrow: Hey Sweetie pie, do you wanna watch Grandma pass out?

Nessie: Gramma you’re funny *giggles*

I swear to the sim lords above Arrow!

Arrow: The dog was right, this floor is so much cleaner

*aggravated sigh* -5

Nessie: Gramma’s in trouble

Rowan: Gramma’s a big girl and can handle herself

Nessie: But momma…*get’s distracted by Peppa Pig on the TV*

(Yes I’ve got Rowan watching Kids TV in hopes that she’ll have multiples this time)

Peppa’s evil hold over Nessie is eventually broken by Dusk who wants to spend some time with her grandchild.

I honestly adore how all the sims in this house dote over Nessie. It’s so cute!

It seems Peppa let Nessie go only to claim another victim. That is one clever pig.

Rowan: You know you don’t have to watch this crap with me, right?

‘Cane: If you have to watch it then so do I

Um…sweetie, I don’t think that’s how you’re meant to eat that

Nessie: Silly Watcher, I’m not gonna eat it. Imma paint with it.

0.o Uh…sure, as long as I don’t have to clean it haha

Another bump watch shot.

Get used to these ‘cause there are a few of them this generation if I remember correctly.

Dusk tries her hand at the fixer-upper car.

Awesome, she really needs the handiness skill for her work.

I love it when sims actually do stuff that I want them to without me having to do anything.

I gave Rowan a quick break from the TV to give Nessie a bath.

It’s the first time I can remember using this item in this legacy so I wanted to see what it looked like again.

Nessie: Loving the attention and all but can I get some food over here?

Splat also ends up having his birthday but like all the dogs doesn’t look any different so…moving on

Splat: Sad smile

Oh, look at someone actually being useful and skilling on their own

Hurricane: What? Like it’s so hard

Try telling that to the countless other Holly’s I’ve had in this legacy that just sat on their ass the majority of their lives.

Apparently I then decided that it was a good time to check in on all the spares kids.

According to my notes the first kid is Esther (AJ’s kid with one of Hurricane’s brothers), the second kid is Jarreth (Finn’s second kid ) and the last is Harper’s second kid Jack.

So far Esther is almost identical to her dad’s side of the family whereas the other 2 take after their Holly side more strongly.

Is it bad that I don’t even remember this dogs name?

I don’t even have it written down in my notes. Oops.

Dog: *Dies a little bit inside*

Should I be worried that Arrow and Caelin spend most of their time with each other and not Dusk? Probably

Am I going to do anything about it? Not a chance

Ohhhhhh, labour time again!

Rowan: This is getting old

Hey, you’re the one that wished for another Laughing out loud

Despite my best efforts she gives birth to another single baby +5

Welcome Salem (named after the town in Massachusetts) to the mad house that is the Holly family.

Little Salem here is a vampire, fairy, witch (which only seems fitting with her name) and mermaid. I may be wrong here but I think that’s all the occult types from the last few generations. I’d need to double check to be sure though.

And with that I think I’m about ready to call it quits for this chapter. This is the most I’ve written since I posted the last chapter here so it’s kinda taken a lot out of me. See you all on the flip side.

Townie Updates

I got so confused by the hair in the little thumbnail and thought for a minute I’d accidentally stuck Elsa back in this save. Luckily it’s just an adult Kaskara giving birth to twins.

Ah, so there’s the birth announcements of Finn and Harper’s kids I showed off earlier.

Is this Esther’s dad or is AJ going after another of the Marx clan?

Yay! I was so hoping Kairi would find someone to settle down with.

Well that didn’t last long.

What is with this generation not settling down for long?

Now I’m just confused.

Hopefully they can make it last longer this time around.


Self wetting (21) -105
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (2) -10
Passing Out (74) -370
Accidental Deaths (6) -60
Social Worker Visit (0)

Every Birth (29) +145
Every Twin Birth (10) +100
Every Triplet Birth (0)
Fulfilling LTW (18) +720
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (31) +155
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (10) +100
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (10) +100
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (46) +230

Every sim to max their career (14) +140

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (1)

Total points: 1,260

Chapter 10.6 – That’s Impossible!

Hey guys, I have a little bit of free time and can’t be bothered converting any hairs today so writing a new chapter it is.

And what do we find our heiress doing?

Painting of course, what else could she be doing really?

Caelin nabs another promotion.

I honestly can’t remember how long she has left to top this career but hopefully she gets it done.

According to my notes Dusk triggered one of the fairy traps dotted throughout the house.

That’s a new one for me but then again I haven’t really messed around with fairies too much in this game.

Are you okay Arrow? Are you ill?

Arrow: Haha, very funny *rolls eyes*

Seriously though I’m pretty sure this is the first time in her whole life that she’s ever worked out.

I decided it’s about time for Hurricane to move in so Rowan is tasked with inviting him over.

Hurricane: Oh hey, you must be Rowan’s sister, right?

Arrow: Flattery will get you everywhere young man. I’ll go fetch Rowan for you.

Hurricane: Thank you…

Arrow: Arrow

Hurricane: Thanks Arrow

As soon as she knows Hurricane is here Rowan rushed down and greeted him with a kiss.

Aw, these two are so cute Red heart

Straight after the kiss Hurricane runs off.

Why are you being so difficult?

After Hurricane leave Rowan occupies herself by using the sketching table.

I think she’s the first person to use it in generations. I actually forgot we had it tbh.

NOOOO! You didn’t!

A quick check with MC shows that she’s not pregnant so who knows what that was all about.

Despite Arrow almost giving me a heart attack I still adore her and Rune (probably more than I’ve loved any of my previous heirs in this legacy)

Ok, my game is definitely punking me now.

Like Rowan’s never woohooed with anyone so this is literally impossible.

Rowan: I need you to get over here NOW

Rowan: I don’t care what you’re doing right now just get over here!

Hurricane: Ok, I’m here so what’s the big emergency?

Rowan: I want to know how the hell I’m pregnant

Hurricane: You’re pregnant?

Rowan: Keep up would you! I’m pregnant and I don’t know how it happened

Hurricane: Don’t look at me, I’m as clueless as you are

Rowan: *Sigh* Well I guess whatever happened there’s no changing it so you better move in if we’re gonna be parents.

Hurricane: Um…do I get a choice in this?

Rowan: Not at all

Hurricane: Well, I’d better go get my stuff then

His kitten had disappeared from his household when I moved him in so only Hurricane moves in.

Also he’s a witch apparently.

Just fyi I didn’t make any of this up. I have no clue how Rowan ended up pregnant since there was no woohoo at all. I literally watched every Rowan’s every step so I was (and still am) super confused about the whole thing.

Oh, I guess Hurricane is an artist too.

I completely forgot that about him.

Ok, so now Rowan and Hurricane have their first woohoo (in her parents bed no less).

I’m still so confused how’s she’s pregnant already without woohoo.

Her impossible pregnancy is confirmed as she pops.

With Hurricane now living with us Rowan is able to paint the portrait of him that she wished for back on the first day they met.

The portraits for this whole generation are done.

Hurricane’s is a bit bright but I never went back and redid it for whatever reason.

It seems Hurricane isn’t just into painting he’s also into music too.

Cool, we haven’t had a musician since Rebecca (literally last generation but whatever)

Since Hurricane is now the official spouse for this gen I should do his spouse card since I so often forget to do them.

The whole painting and guitar thing makes a lot more sense now that I know his LTW and traits.

Everyone was asleep so I went around and got pictures of some of the spares kids.

The eldest is Rebecca’s kid Beatrix.
The second is Finn’s kid Lynn and the last is Harper’s kid Corey.

They all have Arrow’s hair colour and they also mostly take after their Holly parents more than their other parents.

These two are still being adorable together but that’s nothing new.

Rowan proposes to Hurricane ’cause he wished to marry her and also Arrow and Dusk have the wish to see Rowan get married.

Of course he said yes (like Rowan would ever let him say anything else Rolling on the floor laughing)

I didn’t want this day to ever come but it’s Caelin’s elder birthday so that means it’s time for Arrow and Dusk to age up too.

All 3 of them got slight make overs to make them more ‘mature’ looking.

It’s so weird seeing them as elders though.

Bump watch!

Caelin then decides to dance on the kitchen counter. Ok then.

I then decided to do something stupid and throw a bachelorette party for Rowan even though I knew it would cause my computer to throw a fit.

Rebecca and Myst (one of Hurricane’s sisters) are the first guests to appear.

More guest flow in shortly afterwards.

From front to back is Harper, AJ, Calle (another of Hurricane’s sisters) and Hurricane’s mum Emmaline.

Of course 2 of the future grandparents flock together.

Caelin: I have so many grandchildren and they are all the most adorable kids.

Emmaline: You do realise you still have the stock photos in the wallet, right?

Caelin: How dare you, these are my own grandkids.

Emmaline: *Eyeroll* If you say so

The obligatory face one dancer shows up and dances for exactly no one in the kitchen.

Oops, during the party I forgot that it’s Rune’s birthday (yes, I’m letting her age up since Arrow is an elder now).

OMG, Rune has gotten so grey.

Calle: Way to go getting knocked up before getting married

Emmaline: Calle, be nice

Calle: But mum…

Rowan: Hey Calle, is that a spider on the ceiling?

Calle: What? Where?

Rowan: Oops, my bad, it was just me stopping you from being an ass

Calle: You’ll pay for that!

Rowan: Really? What you gonna do to me? I’m literally a vampire and could eat you right now if I wanted to

Calle: Bring it buttmunch

Well that escalated quickly.

Not surprisingly these two ended up as enemies before the party ended.

Aw, my poor babies are so old now.

I’m dreading the day they die. Honestly I think I get way to attached to these little pixel animals.

During the party AJ goes into labour.

I used Arrow’s one Elder action to take her to the hospital.

While Arrow is at the hospital Dusk passes out -5 (the puddle in the background is from the dogs out in the rain).

A few hours later AJ leaves the hospital with a pink skinned baby girl named Esther.

I’m pretty sure Esther’s dad is one of Hurricane’s brothers hence the pink skin.

So far all Arrow’s grandkids have inherited her hair.

After going home with AJ and the new baby Arrow gets to spend some time with her new granddaughter.
I’m pretty sure this is the first grandkid she’s been able to see so far despite having 4 now.

And with that I’m gonna end off here. Join us next time to see the first official baby of Gen 11 be born.

Townie Updates

Ah, so this is the pop-up of AJ’s pregnancy with Esther.

I was right and Hurricane’s brother Tsunami is the father.

Aw, cute. I never though Kaskara would ever get married.

Why am I not surprised?

I guess this is the birth announcement for Harper’s kid that I already showed earlier in this chapter.

Yet another things that I didn’t expect to see from Kaskara.

Typhoon’s baby is finally born.

I think that’s 2 (3 if you include Rowan’s unborn child) grandkids for Hurri’s parents.

Sweet, another kid for Finn.

Can you not Rebecca?

I just want you to settle down and have adorable babies!

At least one of the girls is doing what I want.

I’m pretty sure this is Harper’s second with Chris.

Damn Kairi, don’t follow your sisters relationship advice.


Self wetting (21) -105
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (2) -10
Passing Out (73) -365
Accidental Deaths (6) -60
Social Worker Visit (0)

Every Birth (27) +135
Every Twin Birth (10) +100
Every Triplet Birth (0)
Fulfilling LTW (18) +720
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (31) +155
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (10) +100
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (10) +100
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (46) +230

Every sim to max their career (14) +140

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (1)

Total points: 1,255

Chapter 10.5 – Let The Spouse Hunting Begin

I literally just posted the last chapter so there’s nothing to put here so let’s just jump into the actual chapter.

Splat: Attention…please can I have some attention?

Sorry Splat but your job is done so you have to just fade into obscurity like all the others.

Splat: Crying faceCrying faceCrying face

In less sad news it’s finally time for spouse hunting.

As you can see Rowan is so excited about the prospect

Rowan: *Deadpan* I’m thrilled

She visits her newly moved in neighbours (a generation of sims from a failed perfect genetics attempt of mine).

They have a bunch of kids so hopefully she hits it off with one of them.

Only about half the kids were actually home at the time Rowan visited but it was mostly the girls who were out so that’s fine since Rowan is straight.

Rowan:Um…I don’t know what to do around all these sims

How about you choose one of them and start talking to them?

Rowan: Thanks for the advice, I never would’ve thought of that myself *eyeroll*

Despite her attitude Rowan does eventually take my advice.

The first of the boys she meets is Hurricane.

They heartfart each other so that’s a good sign. She also has a 10/10 attraction score with him.

Hurricane is pretty cute, even if he does look constantly worried.

To be fair I’d be worried if some random came into my house and started chatting me up too

She then introduces herself to Hurricane’s brother Typhoon.

They also heartfart and get a 10/10 attraction score.

Some of Hurricane and Typhoon’s other brothers are impatiently waiting their turn to talk to Rowan but since they are still only teens I think I’ll pass.

Solar (Pink hair): That’s ageist!

No, that’s me stopping my heir from ending up on ‘how to catch a predator’

Apparently Rowan’s just heartfarting with all the boys as she meets another brother, Tsunami. She also gets 10/10 with Tsunami.

I’m just starting to think she really doesn’t care who she ends up with which should make the decision easier for me but it seriously doesn’t.

I’m currently leaning more towards Hurricane atm because I like his colours but I’ll have to see where Rowan takes me first.

Typhoon went out  so Rowan ends up talking to Hurricane. Whatever she said to him terrified him.

Don’t worry Hurri, she has that effect on everyone.

For some reason or another I keep forgetting she’s a vampire.

It’s only when she does crap like this that I remember.

D’aww, look at the way he looks at her.

I guess Rowan’s made up her mind.

I’m gonna have her befriend Typhoon just in case she wishes something for him but I think it’s decided.

Rowan: Thanks for the great day

Hurricane: Anytime sweetheart


After leaving Hurricane Rowan tracks down Typhoon.

Typhoon: I heard you wished to kiss my brother

Rowan: And, what of it?

Typhoon: what about us?

Rowan: Stop being so butthurt just cause I prefer your brother to you.

Rowan that’s no way to make friends. Be nice!

Rowan: *Sigh* Fine, is this better?


While Rowan is befriending Typhoon I decided to show you guys Hurricane and Typhoon’s parent’s, Moray and Emmaline.

Rowan: It was fun hanging out Ty

Hurricane: Why is she hanging out with him? I thought that was our thing.

Wow, it seems someone has a case of the green eyed monster

Rowan: Thanks for hanging Ty but I still like your brother better

Typhoon: but that’s not fair, I’m far cuter

Rowan: Glad someone thinks so. Either way I’ve gotta bounce. See ‘ya on the flip side.

Since Kairi’s gone now the dogs don’t get quite as much attention as they used to so Rowan is set to fixing that before she heads to bed.

This may well be the first time that she’s used her new room.

While everyone is sleeping Dusk is up playing drums since she’s on a completely different sleep schedule from the rest.

Thankfully all the musical equipment is upstairs so there’s no chance of her waking anyone.

While Rowan is sleeping Typhoon gets himself into a relationship.

I guess he couldn’t take the rejection after all.


This is where my vision started to go blurry and I couldn’t see anything, followed a few hours later by a blinding migraine which had me off the computer for almost 2 whole days.

My vision has thankfully cleared up now so I’m able to get back to this. I’m only sorry I wasn’t able to get this chapter out when I said I would but it was just physically impossible.

We jump back in with Rowan inviting Hurricane out to the Spring festival (knocking out 2 birds with one stone since she had a wish to go there anyway and she still wants to get her first kiss with Hurricane).

While waiting on Hurricane Rowan rolls a wish to get a kiss from the kissing booth.

I’ve never really let my sims go to the festivals before so this is all new for me.

Hurricane does eventually turn up…and just like that he’s putty in Rowan’s more than capable hands.

First kiss ✔

Aw, look at them!

They are so cute Red heart

Rowan: Gotta get one for the ‘gram

Really Rowan, really?

Rowan: What? Gotta let everyone know he’s off the market now

Technically he’s not.

Rowan: We’ll see about that

Rowan: You’re my boyfriend now, ok?

Hurricane: Of course, I love you

Hurricane: Are you sure you’re not gonna drop me?

Rowan: Don’t you trust me


I wouldn’t answer that if I was you Hurricane

Rowan: No one asked your opinion!

I do have to admit the jetpack slow dance is so adorable.

I don’t know why I’ve never used it or even really seen it in my game before.

A little jetpack kiss action before they have to land on solid ground again.

And what’s the perfect end to a first date?

A go on the love tester of course.

For some reason when Rowan got home Hurricane’s brother Tsunami was in the house.

Tsunami: I had to rush over when I heard you were on a date with my loser brother

Rowan: So what if I was

Tsunami: I needed to stop things before anything happened

Rowan: Bit late there bub, he’s mine now

Tsunami: Wait…you’re actually going to seriously date that dork?

Rowan: Not that it’s any of your business but yes I am

Tsunami: You’ll totally regret that

Rowan: Yeah and you’ll regret storming into my house and trying to ruin my relationship. Now get out!

Gizmo: Gimmie treat! Gimmie treat!

Rowan: And then he said I’d regret it. Like, what’s his deal?

Arrow: Damn, those boys be crazy. You sure you want to end up with one of them?

Rowan: Hurricane’s not like them, I promise.

Arrow: He better not be or he’ll have me to deal with!

Rowan: Love you to mom

It seems Rowan is now the dogs new favourite human.

While Rowan is sleeping Hurricane adopted a kitten.

I’ll need to remember that for when he moves in.

The next morning Rowan was sent to spend some time with Gizmo because no joke her wish panel is full of wishes for him and Hurricane. I figured Gizmo’s wishes would be the easiest ones to get over and done with.

This has pretty much been her wish panel since her date with Hurricane the day before.

I honestly can’t believe it took me this long to figure portraits out.

Looking back I wish I’d known how to do it for all heirs and dog heirs.

Oh well, what’s done is done (also this ticks off one of her wishes)

Another wish ticked off.

Rowan: Do you mind, I’m trying to be romantic here and you’re just ruining the mood.

Would you look at that, it seems Dusk is the first person in this house smart enough to actually get the snake charming basket to work (although maybe not so smart in the end since she ended up getting bitten).

I’m not sure if Arrow swimming in her outerwear is a glitch or just Arrow being Arrow. Either way it’s pretty funny.

And with that I’m going to end it off here. Sorry again for the delay on this being published.

Townie Updates

Kairi immediately got a job after leaving the legacy house

Kairi: See, I can be independent, now take me back!


I called this last chapter.

This I did not call.

I don’t think I even knew these two were together (although maybe I’m wrong ‘cause I don’t write notes for the townie updates)

Aw cute, now go make adorable babies

(Btw, this is Hurricane’s eldest brother)

It seems Typhoon is having a baby with the girl he got with last chapter. Awesome!

Seriously? I had such high hopes for you two.

And you two too?

Why can’t anyone stay together in this town?

Hmm…AJ and Tsunami? Kind of seems like a match made in heaven, don’t you think?

Yeah, another baby! I’ll have to remember to check in on her soon.

Honestly I should’ve expected this to happen as soon as these two were single.

At least give me a cute kid, please. That’s all I ask.

This is Typhoon’s ex, right?

Oh well, as long as they’re happy.


Self wetting (21) -105
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (2) -10
Passing Out (72) -360
Accidental Deaths (6) -60
Social Worker Visit (0)

Every Birth (27) +135
Every Twin Birth (10) +100
Every Triplet Birth (0)
Fulfilling LTW (18) +720
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (31) +155
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (10) +100
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (10) +100
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (46) +230

Every sim to max their career (14) +140

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (1)

Total points: 1,260 (No change this time)