Chapter 6.8 – Holy Brightness, Batman!

Hey guys, welcome back to the madness that is the Holly’s.

Last time new puppies were born and Rhaenys ruined everything by getting herself the Cheater rep.

Visenya: This is so much fun!

Uxie: C’mon girls, we’re off to take on Team Galactic!

Visenya: Sorry sis, I’m off to Halloweentown for the month.

Uxie: But…Team Galactic…*Sad face*

Speaking of sad faces…

Wren: This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me

Damn Uno, it’s about time.

I seriously thought that he was never going to die. He was literally 15 days past the end of his lifespan.

Uno: Way to be insensitive, Jerk.

Voodoo: Hey!

Uno: I’m sorry

Voodoo: What’s going on dad?

Damn, I’m starting to make myself feel bad for pixelated dogs now.

Grim: Are you ready to leave Uno Holly?

Uno: If it means finally getting the recognition that I deserve then heck yeah!

…And just like that all my sadness for his death is gone.

Wren: I’m so sorry that your dog died Great Aunt Marissa

Marissa: Who is this kid and why is it touching me?

Visenya: Give it up Wren, that one doesn’t know what emotions are.

All the kids are taking Uno’s death pretty hard despite the fact that they never interacted with him.

In the land of SP Rosa has finally nabbed herself a boyfriend.

Matt Bradley is the son of Darrell Bradley, first seen in this chapter.

Voodoo: Why did dad die?

Angel: ‘Cause he was old

Voodoo: Will I die?

Angel: Not for a very long time, Dear

Yeti: Snowcone?

Visenya: Yuck

Yeti: No, no no, don’t worry. It’s Lemon.

Visenya: Should we start with Unchained Melody?

Uxie: Can’t we play something more updated?

Visenya: Don’t knock the classics.

Classics? You’re like 12. You shouldn’t even know what these ‘classics’ are.

Visenya: Don’t stifle my creativity.

Can you do me a favour Marissa?

Marissa: Depends what it is

It’s nothing big really

Marissa: I’m listening

I just want you to die already, you’re just taking up space now

Marissa: Screw you Asshole!

Niska: Woo, my wife’s cooking rocks!

Zen: I’m just making rice

Niska: And it’s going to be the best darn rice ever ‘cause you made it.

Niska: And then I told her that it would be the best rice because she made it

Wren: That’s great Gran but can you wait until I’ve had my bath to tell it?

I don’t know what’s going on with my game but everything outside of the house is super bright and weird looking.

I fiddled with my game settings to see if that would fix it.

It didn’t so I reset the town to see if that would work.

Rhaenys: Why are my retinas suddenly burning?

Hush you. I’m trying to figure out why everything looks so weird.

Resetting obviously didn’t work so I don’t know how to fix that so everyone will need to stay inside until the snow disappears. Hopefully once the snow is gone things will go back to normal.

Sabine: TaDa

How the…?

Sabine: I’m magic

Wow, would you look at that, straight after I said I don’t know how to fix it I somehow manage to fix it.

I didn’t even write down in my notes how I managed to get it fixed so I’m completely in the dark if it ever happens again.

Tysha: Do you still feel sad about Uno’s death?

Uxie: What kind of question is that? Of course I do.

Tysha: Feels bad man

Maybe there is some of Marissa in Tysha after all.

Ah, how pretty the outside looks when it isn’t blindingly bright.


Get out of here with your old meme’s.

Why aren’t you at home?

Visenya: Winter wanted to play out in the snow

So of course you listen to the stuffed toy *facepalm*

Visenya: You leave my Winter out of this!

He’s a toy!

Visenya: He’s not a toy, he’s my friend and I love him!

Shiloh: You shouldn’t be sad about death Uxie

Uxie: But people leaving and never getting to see them again is sad

Shiloh: No sweetie, this is the Sims, where your dead come back to see you as ghosts

Uxie: Really?

Shiloh: Sure they do

Only in the Sims, folks.

Seriously Wren, not you too! Don’t tell me, Brasher made you do it?

Wren: What? No. I’m just here to annoy the locals.

At least once a week Shiloh has to throw out a crap ton of food since no one eats the leftovers and makes everything fresh.

Marissa: Hey Watcher, we should keep this kid around. She’s good at cleaning.

Tysha: Hey mum, go shove your head in the dishwasher, maybe it’ll make an improvement.

Ah, can’t you just feel the family love I don't know smile

Demir: I read about these human traditions called ‘Witch Hunts’. They seem really effective.

Zen: How interesting

Sabine: How in the hell am I related to these people?!

Zen: Yes, he said that they were called witch hunts

Marissa: Haha, I can’t believe he fell for that one

Niska: You are a terrible person Marissa, did anyone ever tell you that?

Marissa: I’ve actually been told that several times, although I can’t figure out why.

Both Zen and Shiloh come home from work with promotions.

Zen’s promotion also maxes her career +10

Visenya: I’m starving! Where’s the food?!

Wren: Yeah dad, where’s our food?

Shiloh: How about cake for dinner?

All the girls: Yay cake!

In this house cake always means birthdays. This time it’s Uxie and Visenya’s Teen birthdays.

Uxie: I wish to do well in high school

Visenya: I wish that I keep being as awesome as I am now.

Marissa: Woo! Now hurry up and age so I can go back to being useless.

And here is Uxie and Visenya as teenagers.

They are both really pretty but I hope Uxie grows into her nose since it looks a little weird right now.

Also, when they aged their alien eyes disappeared for some reason.

Both girls have their grandmother’s eye colours (Uxie had Zen’s and Visenya has Rhaenys’ mum Kathryn’s).

Uh…you alright there Shiloh? You look a little in shock.

Shiloh: I’ve just realized that I now have teenagers

Oh, carry on then

Visenya: I know we’re close Ux but do you really have to hover over me when I eat?

Uxie: I’m waiting on you finishing so we can jam together.

Visenya: You should’ve just said

Even though Uxie and Visenya are now teens they still keep up the tradition of playing their music together.

Would you look at that, Rhaenys is finally putting her Natural Cook trait to use.

I swear, for being the only Natural Cook in the house Rhaenys is the one who cooks the least.

Uxie: Don’t you worry little Voodoo, I’ll always be there for you.

Ah, I see Uxie’s Animal Lover trait has begun to surface straight away.

Uxie: Dad, do you love me?

Shiloh: Of course I do. Why do you ask?

Uxie: If you love me you’ll get me a kitty

Shiloh: Yeah, not gonna happen

Uxie: Oh well, it was worth a try

And with that I’m going to leave you with the townie updates for this chapter.

Oh, I should also mention that I’ve uploaded Anna and Elsa as requested so they are on the downloads page.

Townie Updates:

Marissa and Niska’s eldest sister Kamille passes away.

It probably won’t be long until the rest of Gen 5 start passing away now.

After the death of her mother Amber breaks up with her boyfriend.

Devin (one of the legacy townie kids born last generation) gets together with a, still YA, Mooncake Tart.

And finally, Stacey (Oriana’s only child) has gotten together with an elderly Simself.


Self wetting (15) -75
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (1) -5
Passing Out (40) -200
Accidental Deaths (1) -10
Social Worker Visit

Every Birth (21) +105
Every Twin Birth (5) +50
Every Triplet Birth
Fulfilling LTW (10) +400
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (13) +65
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (5) +50
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (5) +50
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (19) +95

Every sim to max their career (7) +70

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (0)

Total points: 700

2 thoughts on “Chapter 6.8 – Holy Brightness, Batman!

  1. Thankyou! Off to DL Anna and Elsa right away.

    You know, I only *just* realised that the dog names are also going in alphabetical order. Way to be oblivious.

    Uxie and Visenya are gorgeous, and I love the hairs you put them in. Reading your stuff always makes me want to go check out your hair retextures 🙂


    • No problem, I’m glad you like them enough to want them in your game.
      That was completely coincidental tbh, I really don’t have a naming theme for the dogs.
      I really do love how Uxie and Visenya turned out.

      Liked by 1 person

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