Chapter 6.4 – Can You Just Die Already?!

Last time Shiloh finally stopped being a douche and got together with the future spouse of this generation only for his brief happiness to be interrupted by his secret lovechild with Anna. Marissa’s twins also aged up and were shipped of to boarding school.

This is update #4 for SimNaNoWriMo.

Zen: How dare you have a child out of wedlock and disgrace this family?

Shiloh: Chill ma, it’s 2017, no one cared about that stuff anymore.

Zen: I care!

Shiloh: *Sigh*

Shiloh: My ma’s being weird again so do you wanna come out with me?

Rhaenys: Uh…I guess so.

Shiloh: ‘Kay, get dressed and I’ll meet you outside.

*1 quick trip to the beach later*

Rhaenys: I don’t understand why you brought me out here.

Shiloh: My ma’s being weird about Uxie being born out of wedlock so I want to fix that for the next one…

Shiloh: So Rhaenys Ross-Snow, will you marry me and make our future child legitimate?

Rhaenys: When you put it that way how could I possible say no.

Shiloh: So that’s a yes?

Rhaenys: ‘Course it is, you dumbass.

Immediately after proposing Shiloh rolled the wish to get married so I figured there was no time like the present and they got married right there on the beach.

*Announcer voice* I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Shiloh: You had to go and ruin it, didn’t you?

Not one to let his cousin beat him Roux also get married mere moments after Shiloh.

Shiloh: I can’t believe I’m a married man now, I’ve never been so happy!

Rhaenys: Geez, when did you become such a sap?

Shiloh: Can’t a man be happy marrying the most beautiful girl in the world?

Rhaenys: Of course…just tone it down by about a thousand.

Shiloh: Anything for my new wife

Rhaenys: *sigh*

Niska: I hear my only son is married now

News sure travels fast around here.

Niska: It sure does, now tell him I want to be a grandma.

You’re already a grandma

Niska: I want to be one again, ok?!

Niska: Who’s grandma’s perfect little angel? Uxie is, yes she is!

Uxie: I’m not a dog, you know?

Rhaenys: Hey, it’s my time to hold the baby.

Niska: You’ve got plenty time to hold her, it’s my turn just now.

Rhaenys does eventually get her turn with baby Uxie when Niska needs to go to work, and she’s fantastic with her.

Uxie: Finally, someone who doesn’t speak to me like I’m a dog.

Rhaenys is such a pretty pregnant lady.

Niska comes home from work with another promotion.

This time to lv9 which completes her LTW +40

Demir: Are ‘comic books’ real?

Rhaenys: Sorry, I’m married now.

Demir: I am very confused.

Marissa: I am holding this child hostage until you show some happiness about my pregnancy.

Never! If it wasn’t for the fact that you were an ex-heir you and your kids would all be kicked out.

Marissa: Isn’t that a bit harsh?

No, I hate you! You’re pregnancy shouldn’t even be possible since I turned of auto TFB and risk woohoo.

Shiloh: I am so not ready to raise my aunts kids again, I just got rid of the last bunch *drinks heavily*

*Picks up a glass and starts drinking with him*

Just to show you how late in life this child actually is we have Zen and Demir having their elder birthdays on the same day that Marissa gets pregnant.

There goes keeping all the heirs the same age as their spouses.

Niska and Marissa will have to be aged up as soon as Marissa drops her baby.

Zen: I’m too old for this crap

I know exactly how you feel.

Demir is caught trying to out run his birthday but no can do, it is his turn to join the elder club now.

Demir: My back suddenly aches, is that normal?

Who cares, it’s only you. I’m done caring about you or your stupid wife.

Also, just to rub salt into the wound, as soon as I was done with Demir’s make-over my game crashed. At first I thought that was a good thing I would’ve lost Marissa’s pregnancy but nope, I’m not that lucky. I saved an hour before the birthdays so nothing, bar the make-overs were lost. They were both aged up and made-over again without any issues.

Rhaenys is so good with Uxie, too bad her husband has never been near the nursery or his daughter.

Sabine: What did you really expect from my idiot brother?

I officially hate Marissa and can’t wait until she dies. She’s such a smug asshole!

Rhaenys: Sorry Ivysaur, I can’t come out on a date with you.

Rhaenys: Why not? I’m married that’s why now.

*Dial tone*

Rhaenys: Hello? She hung up on me!

Since becoming pregnant again Marissa has taken to constantly baking.

You’d think that would be great since we’ll have leftovers for days but it’s actually not because we already have a fridge full of leftovers that keep going off.

Shiloh: Why can’t she clean up after herself when she cooks?

‘Cause she’s an asshole?

Shiloh: I can’t exactly disagree with you there.

This would be a really, really cute picture if it wasn’t fir the still posture and facial expression.

Oh, also the clipping is slightly bad.

Uxie: Slightly? I’m being suffocated by all this hair!

I took a shot at Shiloh earlier for not seeing his daughter yet but between all the painting and charisma skilling he’s been doing recently it’s really no wonder he hasn’t had time.

Nice suit *laughs*

Niska: Shut up!

And if I don’t?

Niska: You know with my athletic skill I could kick your ass with my eyes closed

Duly noted

Marissa isn’t the only pregnant lady who’s taken to cooking.

I don’t mind Rhaenys cooking though ‘cause it’s good for her work.

Zen comes how from work with a promotion. I think this is lv8.

Shiloh: I can feel our little champ kick

Rhaenys: That’s great but could you please remove your hand from my insides? Much appreciated.

Shiloh: What’s that Champ? You can’t wait to be here? I can’t wait for you to be here either!

Rhaenys: Cute but I am so not calling my baby ‘Champ’.

Shiloh: But…but

Rhaenys: Never in your life!

Shiloh: You’ll be my little champ, right sweetie?

Uxie: You do realize that I am a female?

Shiloh: Why does everyone have to shit on my dreams?


Shiloh: What did I do now?

Watch your language in front of the baby!

Uh…you ok there Rhaenys?

Rhaenys: Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask?

You just…don’t look to stellar.

Rhaenys: I’m absolutely fi……

Rhaenys: Holy crap, I take that back.

Can I do anything to help?

Rhaenys: Get this thing out of me NOW!

Rhaenys gives birth to a single baby girl named Visenya (I’m sorry, I can’t stop with these GOT names).

Visenya is an alien like her big sister and father.

Straight after Visenya is born Marissa pops with her pregnancy.

I don’t even both to change her maternity clothes because she annoys me that much.

I must be insane but I have Shiloh and Rhaenys start trying for another baby straight away.

I know I said this Gen would only have 2 kids but I wasn’t expecting Uxie so Shiloh and Rhaenys are still having the 2 kids that I’d initially planned.

You too sicken me.

Marissa: Don’t be jealous ‘cause you know you can’t be us.


Shiloh: I can still call you champ even though you’re a girl, right?

Rhaenys from the other room: Don’t even think about it!

Shiloh: Damn, she has good hearing.

Shiloh: Well Uxie it’s that time already, for you to flap your wings and fly the nest.

You are such an idiot, she’s only going to be a toddler!

Shiloh: Isn’t that when they leave?

No, you complete moron.

Shiloh: Disregard everything I just said then.

Of course the doting dad is the one to take Uxie up to blow out her candles.

I can’t wait to see what she looks like!

Wow, she is so cute!

I am a little disappointed that she didn’t get Anna’s ginger hair but I still love her regardless.

That’s it for this chapter. Hopefully the next one won’t take as long to come out as this one did.

Townie Updates:

Only one Townie update this chapter.

I hope these 2 manage to stay together and have cute kids.


Self wetting (15) -75
For each sim failing school (1) -5
For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter (when you don’t call them but the game makes them come)  (1) -5
Passing Out (37) -185
Accidental Deaths (1) -10
Social Worker Visit

Every Birth (20) +100
Every Twin Birth (5) +50
Every Triplet Birth
Fulfilling LTW (10) +400
For each Sim that gets on the honor roll (13) +65
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation of children (5) +50
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation (5) +50
Every 100,000 dollars (6) +120

Every sim to master a skill (17) +85

Every sim to max their career (5) +50

Painting of Torch holder somewhere in the house (0)

Total points: 675

2 thoughts on “Chapter 6.4 – Can You Just Die Already?!

  1. Aw, Uxie is adorable! Sad that she got all her dad’s colouring, but hopefully one of the Rhaenys/Shiloh babies will have mixed colouring.

    OMG, Marissa what the? How did you get around Woohooer like that? I thought nraas had all the answers. It seems not. 😥


    • Uxie is pretty darn adorable but yeah, I was a little disappointed that she got all Shiloh’s colouring.
      I literally have no idea how Marissa managed, it not once but twice. I thought that when you turned the setting off it made it impossible but I guess not.


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